Answers: 39
Would you vote for Trump ? He may be running for President of the U.S.....
Answers: 31 Views: 5160 Rating: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

Don't worry he won't get in. It's just a publicity stunt. Why I don't know. It's not like he needs the money. However I do know that he can't be president because I don't believe he is related to the royal family. Do your research and you'll see that with the exception of just a couple of presidents they've all been related to the English royal family. So unless Trump is related he won't make it.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 22 Views: 2674 Rating: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

Wisdom is experience, knowledge is understanding of something without the experience.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: Views: Rating: Posted: seconds

H.A.A.R.P. is more than just radio antennas and weather manipulation, it's also mind control. People really need to do their research on this stuff and stop accepting what they are told. There are studies that prove this technology can control your thoughts, put voices in your head and even cause depression and anxiety. You might laugh, but even Jesse Ventura has a T.V. show called Conspiracy Theory and he does an episode on H.A.A.R.P. close to the end of the episode he is interviewing some dude with a hand held device that uses the same technology as H.A.A.R.P. and manages to put voices in Jesse Ventura's head. Check it out. Yes its real and no there is nothing you can do when the police state descends on the people of the world while the One World Government is being formed. Look into FEMA camps as well.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 14 Views: 2312 Rating: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

I believe the truth is paramount, no exceptions, not even to spare someone's feelings. It might sound cold I know however, if someone can't handle the truth I believe it to be their own problem and they need to take another look at themselves and recognize that they are who they are because they made themselves that way and if the truth hurts then clearly there is something that person doesn't like about him/her self so then it's their responsibility to change that. I'm not going to allow someone's personal discomforts turn me into a liar, even if its just a little white lie. What does that teach our children?

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 13 Views: 1463 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

Because our masters don't want it that way. If there was global peace there would be no money to be made. No matter how much individuals say I love you to each other it doesn't matter with respect to these global wars. Go to the middle east and tell one of them you love them. For one since you don't speak their language and vise versa he has no idea what you just said. Next, expect that he is going to kill you because he has been programed by his media that you are there to take away his liberties. Its the same story when middle eastern people come to North America. The only difference is we don't kill them we take them aside for a "random" search because they might be what?...Terrorists trying to take away our liberties that they are supposedly jealous of. And where do you hear all of this?...The media.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 4 Views: 3055 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

The Fema camps are one of the final stages in the One World Government police state that is about to descend North America starting in the states. Like 9/11 there will be a large scare only this time it will be an air borne virus that will kill millions. (That's what the stock pile of coffins are for.) Once this scare is out in order to keep people "safe", everyone will be placed in facilities that look like prisons locked from the inside called residential centers or FEMA camps. Martial law will become the norm and you will no longer have the freedom you thought you once had.

Coming soon to planet earth. lol

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
if the bible is false why is there more books written on this topic than any other?
Answers: 14 Views: 3724 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

It's not that the bible is false. It is usually ones interpretation of the bible that is false. Did you know that the Christian story is one of the oldest on the planet. Contrary to popular belief, if one does his/her research you would learn that the three kings following the star in the east, the virgin birth on December 25 and all of the other attributes that make up the Jesus story are all pulled out of an ancient Egyptian pagan religion that dates back over 3000 years b.c. The Egyptians used to worship their sun god Horus, who was born on December 25 by the Virgin Davaki and so on. This story has all of the same attributes as the Jesus story only written 3000 years earlier, and it’s not the only one. At the same time developing societies everywhere were using this story, the only thing changing was the name of their God and the virgin who gave birth. I urge you to look into this. You'll find a whole world of truth about religion and you should conclude that all religions derive from astrotheology and most of the stories you read in a bible are stories about our solar cycles anthropomorphized and personified into what we know today as the constellations. In conclusion, the most unbelievable aspect of Christianity today is that people still take these stories as literal and don't see them for what they really are and that people still think that there is a man in the heavens who controls everything. Think about it most stories in the bible could not happen anywhere today except for a Hollywood film. From Adam and Eve, to Noha's arc, walking on water, turning water into wine, the talking bush. I strongly recommend a documentary called Zeitgeist. Just google it and you will learn more about religion in an hour than you have in your whole life. Good luck and I wish you well in your path to recovery from the largest psychological war ever put forth on mankind.

Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
Do anyone have any quotations that you would like to share?
Answers: 75 Views: 6121 Rating: 22 Posted: 13 years ago

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749-1832

Rating: 15 Posted: 13 years ago
is the federal reserve bank necessary
Answers: 7 Views: 2455 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

The only reason why the Federal Reserve or any other central bank is necessary is because our governments make it so. If Governments tried to print their own money Presidents and Prime Ministers would be assassinated and someone put into place that will continue to keep things the way they are. Look what happened to J.F.K. He was about to warn people about the secret society that had hijacked the government and was going to try to take it back then BOOOOM, he's dead. No one has tried since. It's also important to realize that all presidents with the exception of a few are related to the French and British Royal families, J.F.K. was the last non related president. It is a prerequisite that you are related to the royal family if you are going to be president.

It is one tight family that rule the world and not many people realize this. If you want to know who rules your country, start by looking at the symbolism on your currency. In Canada people think that the country is ruled by their Prime Minister but who appears on all of the currency. The Queen. In the States the money is plastered with Illuminati symbolism. The Illuminati is controlled by members of the Royal family, and its the same every where.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
Why do most people believe in heaven and so few believe in hell?
Answers: 19 Views: 4533 Rating: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

Neither exist except for in your mind.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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