Answers: 1
What is your idea of a true friend?
Answers: 4 Views: 1237 Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago
A true friend is some one you can share your deepest thoughts with and dont have to worry about them spreading it around town or using it against you at a later date... A true friend is someone you can give a key to your home ,feeds the pets ,waters the plants ,and checks the mail while you are out of town without haveing to be paid... A true friend will stay the night in a hospitol room with you so that you not alone.. A true friend will voice their concerns if you are screwing up,even if it means that you will be mad at them for saying so. A true friend will bail you out of jail with out ridicule or descrimanation... A true friend will tend to you and your familys needs if you are sick.. A true friend will never lie to you no matter if the truth hurts A true friend can always be trusted around your spouse.. A true friend will get out of bed @three am. to make sure your drunk ass gets home safe... A true friend is the one who is there for you unconditionaly throuhg the worst of times as well as the best ,they will back you in a fight and defend your honor when people wrong you.. A true friend knows what to say or do to cheer you up or make you smile. A true friend will respect you and yours....going out there way to keep you from harm or pain... A true friend is close to extinct and in hiding....nearly imposable to find or they have been tanted from fakers who took advantage of thier friendship... So hay ,,be a dear, if by slim chance you come across one ,let me know.....
Rating: 0 Posted: 12 years ago

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