Answers: 3
Religion - WHY???
Answers: 63 Views: 5030 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

God can't fail you?????? I bet the parent's of the thousands of dying or dead children (disease, starvation, etc.) in Haiti, Darfur, etc. who were deeply religious & prayed for the lives of their children would wonder if that is true. Whenever there's an accident or tragedy that's taken some lives but not all of them, the survivors (or their families) always say it was God that spared their lives. But many of those who died believed in that same God - some were children. So I guess that God chose to not save them but decided instead to save somebody else? If somebody dies they say "It's God's will". If somebody survives they say "God saved me". But the saved seem to forget all those who's lives were not saved by God - and many of them were far more deserving to be saved than those who were. I always have to laugh when somebody wins something like Miss America (a crock if ever there was one) & they say it was God's will - or the lottery. Good grief. Have you considered that only humans & cats & dogs are the only species that serves no purpose on this planet? It's true - every other species serves at minimum the purpose of eat or be eaten - survival of the fittest. You are born & then you die & God has nothing at all to do with any of it.

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
I'm bored!
Answers: 11 Views: 1670 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

If you;re bored, then you're boring. Read a book, clean a closet, learn to paint, call a friend, take a walk

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
GOD only need !
Answers: 10 Views: 3858 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

God has nothing to do with it. People cling to religion because they need to believe that there's someone more powerful & who listens to prayers. It gives them comfort. But people pray for stupid things & if there was a God, don't you think he'd hear the prayers of thousands of starving, dying children & their parent's in God forsaken countries that have drought & disease - now Haiti has a cholera epidemic - and those people are deeply religious & pray every day, all the time - to spare their children from death & starvation. And yet - those prayers seem to go unanswered, and have for thousands of years.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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