Answers: 1
Religion - WHY???
Answers: 63 Views: 5031 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

Great Question!` I was in big trouble with no way out. I was contemplating suicide. So I prayed, "God, if you exist, please help me, because I don't know what to do." He did show me a way out. It wasn't easy, but at least it was a way out. I've been in several similar situations over the last 30 years and I personally know other people who have prayed and survived. Their word is was a miracle. My personal experience leads me to believe there is a God, that He loves us very much, that I am an unworthy creature, and He is a worthy, powerful Creator, Scientist, Artist, Savior, Redeemer, Sustainer, Guide, and giver of Eternal Life. (quantity = forever; quality = amazing)

Know I listen to him daily, moment by moment. He talks to me in a "little inner voice". I talk back to him with questions, complaints, thanksgivings. WHAT AN ADVENTURE! I truly feel sorry for folks who don't believe in God.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

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