Answers: 1
why do christane belive in jesue?
Answers: 28 Views: 16420 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Hello! I believe in Jesus Christ because as stated in the Bible in John 3:16 God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son, to save us not to condemn. Years ago in my early twenties I was approach by individual who stated that the Bible is not God word and there more than one God. I grow up in a Christian home, not a perfect home because no home is perfect or righteous that why we need to be save from our sin to be reunite back to God, since the fall of the first Adam who fell out of fellowship and a personal relationship with God through disobedience,and pride to name a few. So, years ego I spoke to God, I said too him, God I believe in you and I believe in your son Jesus Christ, I do not want to perish and go to hell because of the Word, the Holy Bible and because I believe Jesus is they only way so if you for really please come to me in a dream , vision or speak to me in some way that I know you for really and true living God. Who is you? Is Jesus Christ your son? Is Jesus the only way to everlasting life with you? Is the Bible your word or man? then I said I know if you for really like I believe you is, I'm not rush you but I need an answer and I know you would want be to die and go to hell believing in a false God or son. I said I want to know your words, your truth and what is your words in the Bible. I said these words to the best of my recollection for seven days before I got up for work, on the evening shift, I was now in my thirties when I done this prayer. Then God, reveal his self to me and so I know the way he spoke to me and reveal his self to me I knew Jesus is the way the truth and the life he is God. There no one else. I do not have a religion, I have a personal relationship with God. You do not have to argue about your faith.

How every is you do not believe I would encourage you to humble yourself to God and seek the truth. I always to people you do not have to believe what I'm saying,what men say or the Holy Scripture the Bible. But have you simple just ask God who are you. Have you said to him you do not want to perish that you what to know if he really and how to have a personal relationship with him. Just ask, don't wait until what every it is you trying to accomplish before speak to God he not man. He want you to come, and seek him, and ask him? Come before it to late. Don't say if God for really he knows my heart, my thoughts just come while you can. When you dead its too late. Peace and Bless to all. Man can't condemn you and man can't send you to hell. ASK

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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