Answers: 5
Mental health medication
Answers: 8 Views: 881 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Thanks everyone for your answers and for caring enough to reply. I do like my phychiatrist and she really is trying to help me find something else to take the place of the lithium. I will tell her of the suggestions that I have learned on here. I am going to make some healthy changes in my life and WILL NOT stop trying to find something else. I do care about the way I look inside and out.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Religion - WHY???
Answers: 63 Views: 5042 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

Simply put, why not?

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Mental health medication
Answers: 8 Views: 881 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Thanks for the reply, Jenn. I will continue to research this and confer with my psychiatrist to get a different one. I, too, feel your pain. You know, I just cannot continue the lithium as it has become a possible danger to my health. I don't think carrying around excessive fat around your middle and other parts of your body is good for your heart. There is a history of heart problems in my family so I would like to make a change. Jenn, again, thanks for even commenting to my question. Anyone else,...?

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 24 Views: 3309 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

Let me guess, Banksizit, you're a man, right? Just because you can't believe what someone tells you a man has done, doesn't mean it is not true. I find it hard to believe myself that in this day and age of computers, FB, etc., that you have never heard a somewhat similar story on TV, in a magazine, or just in social talk amongst friends. That's why alot of people don't tell anyone about what has happened to them or what is really going on in their life. They are afraid they won't be believed. I guess you, too have the right to your opinion. Personally, I can't believe that you can't believe what Serendipity claims is true!!!

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 24 Views: 3309 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

I can just imagine the gut wrenching feeling you must have had to discover the FB issues. So,...I do say I'm sorry for what you are going thru. Next, it is time to shed any guilt feelings, any negative emotions. It is time to heal. It is time to move forward, that which you can not do as long as you dwell in the past. Do not let someone like that drag you down into the mire with them. Stand tall for you and your son. Ask for help. Ask God to give you the strength to start a new. I know it is easier said that done, but you must be a strong woman or you would not have made it this far. !Via con dios! good luck, my friend to you and your son!

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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