Answers: 2
What is the purpose/goal in KARMA?
Answers: 19 Views: 1650 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

friend of god, u said that noone leaves a bad karma free life. you are obviously a christian well didnt jesus leave a bad karma free life? now in other religions they are stepping stones much like Christianity. If being a christian you commit a sin which everyone does. there is something that must do to make it right. you can not do a sin and have it automatically forgiven no there is steps that need to followed through you must except that jesus dies for your sins and then stay strong in your faith and when u r trying to live a (karma) free life u make a mistake u must ask for the forgiveness and do what you feel you need to make sure you do not go through that. also think aout this dont god sometimes have you go through stuff to teach u a lesson well any religion is the same. there are steps and reincarnation and karma is just the stepping stones to make them get total enlightenment .As they use their next life the things they learned get carried on to the next life so they wont be committing same mistakes over and over. I know many Christians who commit sins over and over so how is that any different. you do what you have to do till you learn what it is ment for you to learn.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
What is the purpose/goal in KARMA?
Answers: 19 Views: 1650 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

Karma this is a tough subject. Yes it is believed in some religions that reincarnations are done to get total enlightenment. It is believed that our soul is reincarnated until we get it right. Karma is what we have done to others we will have to repay for in our next life. Buddhist believe that to be reincarnated int anothor human is almost never done but it is a privilege and if you happen to be reborn as human than you had better get it right the second time around. reincarnation does not mean u will be born into another human body you could be born into a plant or an animal. However karma is also believed on other religions that do not believe in reincarnation Christianity for example that what you do unto others will come back on to you.harder then what you did.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

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