Answers: 5
Contradiction or Not?
Answers: 3 Views: 539 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

The entire bible is man's words; the bible was written by men. Look up Council of Niceae, any search engine. Supposedly, they (the books that make up the bible) were all inspired by god, and far too many people today take them as the literal word of god but they're a collection of books written by men around the time of Christ or in the centuries after his death. And, unfortunately the bible is all too often used by people who want an excuse to be prejudiced without having to answer for it. I don't think that's what Christ intended.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
How many people did it take to build the pyramid of Giza?
Answers: 2 Views: 1249 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

Depends on which story you believe; either thousands of people or aliens built them.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
Why do cat "scream" when they are mating?
Answers: 12 Views: 4521 Rating: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

Get your cat fixed and you won't have to worry about it anymore. There are too many unwanted cats as it is.

Rating: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
Atheism and Atheists
Answers: 31 Views: 3835 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

The bible is a compilation of books written by men; don't take my word for it, look up Council of Niceae. That doesn't mean god isn't real, just that our perception of god is very childish. Everyone on Earth is a young soul. God is the universal superconsciousness, we are all a part of it. Instinctively our souls know this but our conscious mind has trouble remembering while we live in a physiscal body in the physical world. The whole point of being here is to learn and grow up. Extraterrestrials aren't necessarily athiests, just in a different grade of school, Earth is full of kindergarden and grade schoolers. Personally, I'm hoping to graduate to high school in my next life, this planet sucks - too many preschooler religious fanatics.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
what does karma do?
Answers: 7 Views: 1469 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

Karma is another way of saying 'What goes around, comes around'. Those who believe in reincarnation say even if you get away with a crime in one lifetime it will come back to haunt you in another lifetime. It's a buddist explanation for why bad things happen to good people; in a previous lifetime when they were bad people they got away with something they shouldn't have done at all, so it comes back to hurt them in a later life. Of course, if you don't believe in reincarnation you don't have to worry about karma, you just have to worry about facing God after your death.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

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