Answers: 2
I was using SA-SAMS V13.3.1 and when I install V13.5.0 it gives me the message that I should load school set up routine. I checked the general school setting and I found no problem. What is it that I am missing? I even installed spread 6.0.57
Answers: 2 Views: 768 Rating: 0 Posted: 10 years ago

Yo no conosco muy bien tu mundo y tu lugar, pero creo que la vida y el saber no están tan solo en un dispositivo.

Rating: 0 Posted: 10 years ago
I received my brother's Christmas letter three days ago. I haven't opened it. He speaks of the important people he knows. His plane. His awesome abilities. I've been getting these damn letters for years. This year I don't want to open it. Should I?
Answers: 6 Views: 651 Rating: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

Si tu hermano es talentoso es por que tiene mucho trabajo y le  a costado esfuesos. Deberias valorarlo y si tienes tiempo para vivir sin tanto en que ocuparte no te recientas. Disfruta tu tiempo libre. 

Rating: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

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