Anti clockwise
Not what you want to hear however VW jetta engine2ltr is not free running and valves almost always get damaged. sorry
Anything over 11 psi would be excassive
I have found these are best accessed from onder the vehicle up over the transmission. verry difficult if vehicle has delco air co as this makes access from top hearly impossible
The timing would depend on the type of camshaft fitted. A standard timing is set at 3deg B.T.D.C. +or minus 2 Deg @500 RPM + or -50, with the ground idle speed control soloniod disconected and in neutral of course
These have hydraulic lifters which require no adjustment as they are self adjusting when engine is running. unless they have been changed for a set of solids. This being the case then there will be adjustor on the push rods. a setting of .010 for inlet and .012 would be a good starting set. Firing order is 13726548 . If you get no 1 firing then adjust no 6 Then no3 firing and adjust no 5. no7 firing adjust 4. no 2 firinf adjust 8 . no 6 firing adjustno1. no5 firing adjust3. no no 4 firing adjust no7. no 8 firing adjust no 2. hope this is of use to you
Timing covour
Clockwise looking at engine front on
on the tanks behind the cab on right hand side