Answers: 3
During your life, have you ever changed the way you think?
Answers: 21 Views: 3141 Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

Yes, experience over time enlightens us to the realities of life. I've learned that religion is a man made creation designed to serve the intentions of man, not God, Allah, or the Spirit Realm. Though preachers will state that they are following the guidance of the written word of God, which is impossible, since God, is not human, thus has not written anything. The Bible and Koran were written by many different men, who naturally, to some degree, put their own influence and opinion into those doctrines, as well as the opinions of other influential men who assisted or influenced them. Most religions were developed by men of good intention, who sought simply to please or show respect to our creator/s, while other religions were developed by kings or rulers of men, who's intentions were to capitalize on their people's spiritual faith, which many were jealous of, or threatened by. And that is why many of those kings or rulers were later labeled as being gods themselves. I do believe in creation, evolution, and the spirit realm. For I have been blessed to have been able to detect spiritual projections, which has led to my being reached out to by various spirits in my life time. This has given me complete spiritual absolution, beyond any and all religions.

Rating: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
why is my soon to be ex-wife denying she was having an affair?
Answers: 18 Views: 5541 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

Before you divorce her, ask yourself; do I seriously like and care for this individual. Then ponder what I've stated in my previous answer. Then ask yourself and her about your desire to have children "with one another" and how such potential continued behavior might effect them. Then step back away from the pain and hurt far enough to realize the truth of the situation, then decide to divorce or not. If you do, keep these experiences in mind when seeking another life partner, because your current wife is not a rare or unique individual, but rater just one of millions of females trying to find their way at this time in our human evolution. Realize, that from an evolutionary standpoint, woman have not ever experienced this higher level of social freedom and sense of empowerment, as man have. So we must allow them to adjust or realize the actual limitations of their new found freedoms and or liberties. As with children, who see things through young enthusiastic eyes, everything will seem larger, grander, and more exciting, until time has past and they can look back upon the events of their lives with a more realistic perspective. Raising our son’s and daughter’s to a higher level of social enlightenment, without threatening them, is the challenge that we face.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
why is my soon to be ex-wife denying she was having an affair?
Answers: 18 Views: 5541 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

My friend, I also have walked in your shoes. I choose to stay with my wife, because we had children that we both loved very much. What I have learned is that the influence of the natural chemistry within both male and female beings creates much of the natural sexual desire that we all feel for the opposite sex, and in some cases, for the same sex. This highly persuasive hormonal influence often causes people to move in that direction of attraction without themselves really consciously knowing exactly why this is happening. Many males and females alike confuse this natural desire with admiration or love, when in fact it is simply pheromones and or hormones triggering this very real reaction within them, as they closely interact with certain other people. More often than not, this is a one way experience. But in some cases where both people become aware of this reaction they ultimately react to it. This condition is greatly compounded by a commercialized society that uses sexually suggestive material to sell product or entertainment. This only serves to confuse people further from a civilized social standpoint, causing many people to consider that affairs are normal and acceptable behavior, when it is actually quite costly and destabilizing to our civility, as a society. Children, more often than not, being the one's most negatively affected, because their sense of security and stability has been brought into question. Though we were created this way to insure the propagation of our species, we have since evolved to the high level of conscious awareness, as to being able to understand and grasp such realities, thus we can now, as a society move beyond our sexual focus and begin to better appreciate the reasoning behind the actual creation of our physical lives, which was to enhance the very quality of our spiritual existence. Another wards, you need to see your life beyond your wife, for her body is her own, as is yours. If you have children think of them together, without anger and animosity. And find satisfaction and admiration in the spiritual love that brought you here. Share your heart with those who enjoy it, and not with those that do not appreciate it. Do not intentionally shun your wife, for she might come to better respect and understand you someday, but do not continue to freely give of yourself to her, as you naturally did when you thought she was as considerate of you, as you were of her. Men must also ask themselves if they are being as attentive to their wife’s, because of who they are, or because of what they desire of her sexually. If it is more often than not, the latter. Then such men need to realize that their wives also can sense this lack of respect for them, as individuals. The great spirits that created all this were aware of these human struggles that would come, but also knew that with their help, we would rise above it. Try to avoid feeling hurt or belittled by this event, for we are very much above such things. Never loose sight of your joy, for in spite of everything...we are alive!!! We need to reach out to one another socially, beyond our "reproductive desires." For this is animalistic and primitive, which is what keeps us from discovering our creators. As such, their ultimate agenda, is for us to discover this truth, for that will complete the intention behind this creation, and then actual peace and joy will suddenly appear, as greed, lust, and self-servedness fade away. Peace and love are in you my friend! Simply smile and enjoy life's wondrous moments, while looking beyond the limitations of your maleness.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

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