Answers: 1
Would you vote for Trump ? He may be running for President of the U.S.....
Answers: 31 Views: 5150 Rating: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

A businessman? Really? Business goals are based on profit. Government is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people. Some people have a lot, some have a little, and some have nothing. It is not the fault of those who have little or nothing in all cases and in order to make sure that all have a chance at pursuing a little happiness, the collective monies are used in some cases to assure that little bit of happiness, as provided for in our constitution. Now how that is interpreted is a horse of another color.

The check and balance system is what keeps this country in an uproar it seems. One Party opposes the other Party so vehemently that little gets done. If this President is allowed to carry out some the initiatives he talked about in during his campaign, you may see some semblance of change. However, he was greeted at the door with major setbacks. It is one change after another just to keep an even footing in some cases.

The notion that this country should be run on very little taxes is absurd. The business sector of our country have convinced airheads that running America on a business profile is the way to go. When we lose our sense of unity, which has been hard to achieve forever, we will no longer be the United States of America. It's all about "my money" and the government has no right to it."

Does the "Don" have offshore accounts? Will he do anything about all the offshore "puppet businesses"? How many jobs are being lost by profit oriented businesses who are not going to invest in businesses necessary to provide jobs for the large number of unemployed? Do they even care? They have jobs, no they have empires and more money than they can count. There is not enough opportunity for everyone in America simply put. It used to be you saved and scrimped to start a business. Then the puppet agency, BA, was created. They spent more time checking your paperwork than they did providing assistance with loans. Now investors put their money where they will make the most return and has really destroyed our economic balance because if a business does not turn a profit and continue to get more and higher profit the next year, then the next year, etc., then they crash the stock market and cause a depression! Dummies who lose their money then want the government to step in and regulate big business after saying they want less government. It is kind of sad where we are headed. We are quickly going back to the dark ages of serfdom, etc.

Watch and see how your city deteriorates in the next 10 years while you sit back and praise Presidents who keep lowering taxes and not enough comes back to keep up your infrastructure. Also, you keep voting for Representatives who oppose "big government" but keep voting for raises and benefits forever for giving you small government. Are you going to reach in your pocket to fix you highways? Or will you do a Mitch Daniels and lease your highways to a foreign country to keep your local government going? It is getting insane America. I consider it patriotic to participate in supporting my country with my finance, in the form of taxes, and in service to my country wherever I may fit in.

The attitudes of our people really stink with the: my, mine, stay out of my business, I have a right to, I have a right not to, our forefathers meant, the Constitution guarantees, taking things way out of context and to the most bizarre extremes. When will we screw our heads on straight and start thinking logically and collectively about the future of our country and the people who live here? It is really becoming quite depressing!

Rating: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

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