Answers: 4
If God was answering on this website, what would you ask Him?
Answers: 21 Views: 3530 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

You are right alan. The whole world needs the forgiveness and mercy of God, and every one of us needs it because the Bible says that we should repent of our sins and be forgiven. (See Acts 3: 19) All who do not repent and find forgiveness will inevitably suffer the consequences of their sin just as a criminal has to receive the sentence that the judge decides on, either jail or being fined a lot of money, or whatever. The Bible says, "Sin is the transgression of the law." (1John 3:4) If sin goes unpunished then the law-breakers get worse in the evil deeds that they do! So then, repentance or asking for forgiveness, is NOT selfishness, but rather doing wrong and expecting to get away with it is the selfish spirit in us. Repenting and finding forgiveness is what God want of us, according to His word, the Bible. It may be that God is allowing all these awful disasters to happen because He wants people to learn to accept Him as their God instead of the false gods of this world who cannot help them. There are too many false "gods", and I mean things like too much money and over-prosperity which cause people to look to material things instead of eternal things, -the things of God! Too much prosperity for the few usually means poverty for countless millions, and that is a big sin in this world today! The prosperous should learn to share their wealth with those who are in real need, but they usually don't! I live in an area where there are many who are rich because of the horse-racing scenario, and you should see the big, expensive cars they drive around in!! And yet I have seen, in this town, people begging in the street because they are (possibly) in poverty. So keep asking for forgiveness alan. You will get a blessing from God! Those who don't, won't!

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
If God was answering on this website, what would you ask Him?
Answers: 21 Views: 3530 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

I ask God to help me keep the 10 commandments, and that's because the Bible, -God's inspired Word, says "If ye love Me, keep My commandments." John 14: 15. (See also Exodus 20: 6. Read through verses 1 to 17) We either love God or hate Him. If we truly love Him we will be obedient to His commandments as found in Exodus 20: 3 to 17.

(Many of the 10 Commandments are also quoted in the New Testament too! The writer's of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Paul, etc; their Bible (The Torah) was the same as our Old Testament, and they believed in the keeping of the 10 Commandments.)

We either love God or hate God... It's just like a child who tells his or her Mum or Dad that they love them but refuse to obey when asked to come in and help with something like laying the table for lunch. "Mum, I'm busy playing with so-and-so, and can't come in now!!" Well, Mum will wonder if her son or daughter really means it when they tell her that they love her! "If ye love Me"??? as the Bible says! If someone can't love their own parent, or husband or wife as they have said they do, and so ought to do according to what they say, then how can they really love God who is the great Creator of heaven and earth, and "all that in them is" (Exodus 20: 11).

And by-the-way, Exodus 20: 8 to 11 tells us to keep the Sabbath day holy. And it says that the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord. The true seventh day is the day that Jesus kept holy, and all the apostles and disciples kept holy also, and that is the day we call Saturday and NOT Sunday, which was first legislated as a "holy day" by edict under Constantine the Great back in 321 AD (See: ) Most of the Christian world today are in transgression of the 4th (Sabbath) Commandment I am sorry to say! "If ye Love Me, keep....."!! Those Commandments have never ever been changed! Does the Christian world love Him yet disobey Him? Search the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and you will find no commandment to keep any other day holy than the 7th day! The Creator BEGAN His WORK on the FIRST day!! And ENDED it on the 6th day! Then He made the rest day, -the Sabbath, -the 7th day! We should do the same, IF we love Him! When there is a conflict of laws, (human laws or God's laws) do we keep the commandments of men and rulers? or the Commandments of God? Do we obey the president of whichever church we adhere to, -pope or whoever? Do we obey them before our obedience to God who created all things? He is the one who we are committed to love supremely, and above all earthly potentates and rulers! So why do we disobey the one and only commandment of God which starts with the word "REMEMBER"? It just is not showing the love we profess for the One whose Commandments we should be obeying! "If ye love Me, keep My commandments." Let's show our love by keeping His laws in completeness. If we find it difficult to do so then, with me, ask Him to help us keep His Commandments.

Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago
What is the most unbelievable aspect of Christianity?
Answers: 97 Views: 22105 Rating: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

Sorry, but it is quite untrue to say that Jesus did not fulfil the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. Here are some.....

Old Testament prophecy and Fulfilment in Christ

"My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Ps. 22:1).
These were the very words of Jesus on the cross (Matt 27:46).

"I am despised of the people. All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shake the head, saying, He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him" (Ps. 22:6-8).
Israel despised Jesus and mocked him (Luke 23:35; 8:53); they
shook their heads (Matt. 27:39), and said this as He hung on the cross (Matt 27:43).

"My tongue cleaveth to my jaws...they pierced my hands and my feet" (Ps. 22:15,16). This was fulfilled in Christ's thirst on the cross (John 19:28). The piercing of hands and feet refers to the physical method of crucifixion used.

"They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture" (Ps. 22:18).
The precise fulfilment of this is found in Matt. 27:35.

Note that Ps. 22:22 is specifically quoted as applying to Jesus in Heb. 2:12.

"I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and am an alien unto my mother's children. For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up" (Ps. 69:8,9). This well describes Christ's feeling of estrangement from his Jewish brethren and his own family (John 7:3-5, Matt.12:47-49). This is quoted in John 2:17.

"They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink" (Ps. 69:21).
This happened while Christ was on the cross (Matt. 27:34).

The whole of Isaiah 53 is a remarkable prophecy of Christ's death and resurrection, every verse of which had an unmistakable fulfilment. Just two examples will be given:- "As a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth" (Isa. 53:7)
Christ, the Lamb of God, remained silent during his trial (Matt. 27: 12,14).

"He made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death" (Isa. 53:9).
Jesus was crucified along with wicked criminals (Matt. 27:38), but was buried in the tomb of a rich man (Matt. 27:57-60).

Rating: 6 Posted: 13 years ago
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What proof or incontrovertible evidence do we have that HAARP is actually causing these disasters, or are simply causing a natural disaster to be much worse than it would otherwise be? Is there solid, incontrovertible proof rather than speculation and surmise? They say that they can monitor HAARP activity, but how do they do that as far as being able to say that HAARP has actually caused something bad? Does anyone have positive answers to this? We need solid evidence not hearsay or speculation. Thanks!

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

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