Answers: 19
how can an 8 year old make money
Answers: 7 Views: 4601 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

You can work around your house for money or do something to help nieghbors if you know them well enough..but i have a question ....why would you need to make money if your only 8 years old?

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
studying medicine at the age of 37
Answers: 7 Views: 2414 Rating: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

Well i started medical class to become a paramedic at a young age but its never to late to start medical school if your really determined

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
pain behind my ear in my skull
Answers: 8 Views: 3828 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

This seem that it is not sirous but if the symtoms continue then the problem can become very sirous...i would suggest seeking medical attention as soon as is nothing to run to the emergency room about but your local Physcian can help with that problem

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 6 Views: 2010 Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

I beleive that staying friends with someone you once dated is a good idea but only on very few can cause jealously in your parnter and lead to other relationship issues...however cutting them off completely doesnt always have to be the option just try to keep in brief contact with them..however if you are single then maybe it would be good to have another close friend

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
Is torture ever acceptable?
Answers: 13 Views: 3650 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

I beleive that only in extreme cases that Torture can be allowed by government institutions to find nessicary information but only in a controled environment and as long as not severe punishment is done.

Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago
Answers: 2 Views: 703 Rating: 0 Posted: 13 years ago

It is Illegal to have anything including Hats, Sunglasses, Hoodies, Ski Caps, Scarfs, or anything of that sort inside of a courtroom

Rating: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

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