    Finally I became pregnant but how long does morning sickness truly last

    +1  Views: 448 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Your physician or nurse practitioner can help with the answer.
    Some times soda crackers in the morning help.
    DO NOT take over the counter medications or any medications while you are pregnant without talking with your doctor.
    No Alcohol, No tobacco.
    This too shall pass. There was a time when I was pregnant that I thought I surely would barf my child up instead of having him the normal way:)

    Sorry to say it's different for each woman, some only a few weeks and others the whole time they are pregnant. Talk to your doctor if it becomes a problem and he can suggest something to help so that you don't loose weight and put the baby at risk.

    An sometimes your husband/boyfriend will have it,been there done that!!!
    An sometimes your husband/boyfriend will have it,been there done that!!!
    An sometimes your husband/boyfriend will have it,been there done that!!!
    An sometimes your husband/boyfriend will have it,been there done that!!!
    An sometimes your husband/boyfriend will have it, been there done that!!!
    An sometimes your husband/boyfriend will have it, been there done that!!!

    Each pregnancy varies,but it usually ends by the end of the first trimester,I was so sick and nauseous with my last baby I lay lethargically on the couch for four months straight.Congrats!!

    Morning sickness definitely sucks....had many friends who suffered with it...some for only the first few months and some with the whole term of pregnancy!...Be sure to take good care of yourself nutritionally in order to have a healthy baby..try eating saltine crackers when nauseated...seems to keep it all down for some....drink gatorade...don't become dehydrated,,,different things work for different to your ob/gyn concerning this also...I was one of the lucky ones...3 pregnancies, no morning sickness...actualy when pregnant I felt the best that I have ever felt in my life..hormonal perhaps..don't was wonderful however....I wish you well...let us know about you & baby...OK?

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