    are there any real jobs on the internet to do from home that are not scams?

    tried most of them - they always ask for an investment - does one always have to pay to work?


    0  Views: 1011 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: jobs work

    2 Answers

    99.99% are scams. Get a real job in an office and ask if the work can be done at home. This is the only sure way of it being a legitimate job.

    Yes there are legitimate work from home jobs. I have been researching work from home jobs for over 20 years and I must admit that a lot of them are scams and really business "opportunities", however, I am working from home now and all I had to pay was for  the background check and assess to over 7,000 work from home jobs that had been done by corporate America before the economy became what it is now. Large companies are downsizing and outsourcing a lot of their work to citizens of the USA more than before.

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