    How do I get rid of mold in the bathroom?

    I scrub it clear with bleach, but it always comes back. 

    +3  Views: 581 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    If you're getting it on your drywall/cabinet/baseboard you have a leak inside your wall and have to open it up and fix the leak. Once you fix the leak you should remove any moldy dry wall and the surronding drywall at least one to two feet past the visible damage. It's best to call a professional.

    You should be wearing a respirator when dealing with black mold, also you should keep the door closed with tape or a towel to seal the room, as to not spread the spores or broken fragments into the rest of the house. Bag the moldy drywall or material in an air tight bag and put it outside in the garbage.

    If it's just mold on your tile grout, try tilex it will bleach out the mold roots that stay visible even after you kill or remove the rest of the mold. When you spray mold it breaks off fragments and they can become airborne so you should always have a respirator that is designed to remove mold spores. Hope this helps??


    very good Leeroy you should come and work for me yes black mould is very bad for ones health

    Thanks Mel, I used to work in Mold remediation several years ago. If you want to open an office in FL, let me know.

    If it is a paintable surface, after you get it clean with bleach and mold killer, you should paint it with a special mold resistant primer, then a top coat with enamel paint. An exhaust fan to remove moisture when bathing or showering is  essential.

    sounds like you might have water damage under the tiles ,well into the wood work, perhaps the one true fix would be to replace the substructure.

    Mold is caused by excessive humidity. If you don't have an exhaust fan in the bathroom, install one. If you do, it's not powerful enough.

    this could be something or nothing when using your bathroom do you have extractor? or do you leave a window open? you must do this when taking a shower/bath as the steam will cause mould. now have a look at your guttering and your roof is the guttering blocked or are your tiles of the roof missing this will cause midrew and damp you must check all this first if none of the above apply you then must get a builder in and he/she should tell you where this is coming from and see what the out come is as you have said you have tried bleech and that normaly works good luck
    Bleach is a good way and a mold killer at the hardware store will also work. Unfortunately the moist air in the bathroom will always breed more mold. So getting rid of it is probably just a weekly chore to put up with.

    I agree with melandrupert: bad ventilation can be once cause for mold to grow in your bathroom. If possible, leave the window open permanently (except for when you are using the bathroom), or, if you live in a cold place, at least the door. But air circulation is essential.

    If you are sure there is no leak or any other arquitectural condition that causes the mold, you can use one of the products mentioned earlier or, simply, clean the bathroom with vinegar. Acid destroys all sorts of fungus.

    Good luck,



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