    can 16 year old take monocycline with Latuda

    0  Views: 548 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    I think you mean "minocycline", which is an antibiotic. I'm not seeing any warnings for minocycline or Latuda not to be taken together.
    However, I'm wondering if you're taking minocycline for acne. When I was your age I took antibiotics for acne, and they didn't work for me. From my own expereince (I'm 50 years old now), I think eliminating sugar from my diet was THE best thing for my acne, along with using 10% benzoyl peroxide topical cream at night. If you cut out empty calories of sugar and fat, and load up on whole grains and fruits and vegetables you'll be amazed at how your acne will start resolving itself. Also, I used to drink alcohol until recently, and I've noticed a huge improvement. Keeping your diet as clean as possible allows your immune system to work at its best. And remember, any pill or toxic substance you put in your body has to go through your liver, and you don't want to put unnecessary wear-and-tear on that.

    Wait!!  Please be aware that minocycline has demonstrated great promise in relieving psychosis as well as  negative symptoms of schizophrenia and other neurological disorders!!  In fact, it has been quite rigorously tested as an  "adjunct" to psychiatric medication. This means that most likely the minocycline will enhance your son's behavioral recovery, so look in to this.  If there are no counter indications for minocycline with Latuda, then give it to him. Look up the research. Use a search engine term such as "minocycline and schizophrenia" to find the studies. Your son is actually lucky to have a doctor prescribe these together. My daughter has schizophrenia and I am looking for a doctor who will prescribe her minocycline for the "anti-inflammatory" benefits to the brain as well as the "neuroprotective" and "neurorestorative" properties that trials with minocycline are investigating.


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