    does anyone know anything to do for acid reflux, ulcers and constant stomach pain? I take my meds and literally at times drink maalox? Was wondering if anyone knew anything like a good home remedy?

    +5  Views: 779 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    Have you tried apple cider vinegar? It helps some people. A tablespoon full or as I use to use back when I had acid reflux, a shot glass full. I found that eating bread helped to absorb the excess acid.

    This is actually a great old-time remedy!

    Different things work for different people... Try it all if you can.  No one is wrong with this type of thing.

    You just need to find what works for you...

    Apple Cider Vinegar - Bragg - raw and unfiltered

    Aloe Vera Juice

    Kelp - this is a ph wonder food.

    Probiotics and enzymes.

    Good luck... My husband did suffer with this.  Horrible.  He's good now.



    My wife gets it on occasion and see takes a tablespoon of vinegar believe it or not, she claims it works.
    Of course with acid reflux you want to avoid foods and drinks high in acids and spices. Drink plenty of water and avoid lying down right after eating. You may want to also switch from eating 3 big meals a day to eating 5 small meals with a piece of fruit before each meal. The fruit contains water and natural sugars that will help you to naturally eat less. Good luck
    a teaspoon of baking soda in a 8 oz glass of water.
    try mixing a heaping tablespoon of baking soda with a 10-12 glass of water for acid reflux , it works for me i not so sure about ulcers though. it wont hurt to try.

    Thank you daren I will try that I am feeling very bad nausauted and hurting badly just don't have any handy will try to get some tomorrow do not feel like going out again today and I appreciate it gonna go drink some more Maalox for now hope I do not od on that junk.

    get some rest darci, and hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day!

    might give you diarrhea. try some crackers dear.

    I thought I had gastric reflux for about 3 years & treated it as such to no avail.

    It turned out I had gall bladder problems & the doctors were reluctant to dignose it as that because I didn't fit the profile.


    I am (or was) none of the above at the time.

    I had the damn thing removed & I never had the problem again.

    Try laying off the dairy foods as well as anything fried for a week or so & see if that helps That's the diet they put me on after I was correctly diagnosed & it helped me a lot.


    You are fortunate... My Aunt only fit the "female" part in that equation and had her gall bladder removed... not much changed.

    Darci it sounds to me you have either a gall bladder problem of hyetus hernia I ahve the last one and nothing works for me except I go on a porridge diet for a day.. then I am better the next day ... I would go to the doctors first and get this checked out first good luck


    I think it is mostly stress I do not eat much at all just had an upper GI found nothing unusual there and I do not have a gall bladder anymore for many years.

    Darci you poor thing I know how you feel it really is quite missarable.....if you say its stress then you know what is causing it and you MUST get this sorted out quick take some time out do nothing relax try deep breathing good luck oxoxoxox

    Minor acidity, TUMS or MAALOX etc would be ok.  A C VINEGAR should do u good, BUT do see your doc - it might be ulcer if there is pain.

    Nothing worked for me except DGL. (Diglycerizinated Licorice) not Licorice Root.

    You can find it in most health food stores or on the web. Follow the directions on the bottle. Suck the lozenge until it melts in your mouth, and mix it with your saliva before swallowing. You will start feeling better in a day or two, and will be cured in about 10 days. I've never had a another problem since. (The taste is like strong licorice, so it takes a bit to get used to.)

    The pharmaceutical companies who make antacids are keeping it a secret that most people who have ulcers and many who have chronic stomach inflammation are actually infected with a bacteria (H. pylori)that can be treated with antibiotics. The person who made this discovery in the erly 1980's was a microbiologist who experimented on himself to prove his theory.
    As many as half the world's population is infected with this bacteria, but not everyone has symptoms from it. Diagnosis is made through blood, breath, and stool samples. The most accurate way to diagnose it is to do an upper endoscopy, but this is invasive, so it tends to be reserved for patients suspected of having ulcers or stomach cancer. Non-treatment can lead to stomach cancer.
    The treatments include a combination of two different antibiotics, along with Pepto-Bismol and proton-pump inhibitors like Prilosec. Once the H. pylori bacteria is eliminated by the antibiotics (in about 2 weeks), the patient is cured. But the drug companies don't want you to know this! (Or the doctors.)
    In the meantime, avoid alcohol, coffee, and smoking. These recommendations apply only to ulcers and gastritis (stomach inflammation), not acid reflux (which affects the esophagus).
    It sounds like what you're going through is very painful; please see your doctor so this can be resolved once and for all.

    thank you very very much for the info I do take stomach meds every day and I have found a new doc that is supposed to be really good and it is very very long wait to get an appt with her but I will be getting her to do the upper and lower GI. So much of mine is a huge amount of stress in my life and trying to cope with all. Thank you again.

    I use Omeprazole for my AR/ulcer

    Darci - go to your Doctor and ask him for a helicobacter pylorus blood test.

    Darci, some fantastic ideas worth trying, but since pain is involved, it could be gall stones and must be checked by a doc. Antacid will not help and it is possible you must be throwing up from time to time. Wish you well.


    sawali - just to say gallstones are the most painful thing ever- I had 40 translusent gallstones which I had removed when I was 40years of age - my gallbladder did not work from the day I was born. Cholecystectomy - removal of the gallbladder is usually performed on fair fat and forty - I was fair thin and forty and after numerous tests it was discovered I had gallstones - I walked the floors with pain at night - the liver takes over and produces the bile which is just contained in the gall bladder. At post-mortem many people though are diagnosed with gall stones which do not trouble them so there is a possibility but if it ain't broke don't fix it. I was different born with the gall bladder duct not being patent.

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