    When is Casey getting out of jail

    0  Views: 645 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    July 13
    Their flip flopping the dates (1st-13th, then 17th) attempting to keep people off guard. Because they know her DEATH WARRANT has been issued!!!

    I did see that too, one said the 13th and the other said the 17th. I don't imagine they will have much luck confusing people, they'll still be waiting outside the jail to heckle her and her parents.
    WANT JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE? Casey was not alone in her conspiracy; she had help from her parents, and the authorities are covering this up. First of all, George and Cindy Anthony treated Caylee like she was their own. Secondly, the father of Casey's baby has never been revealed. Couple this with the fact that defense attorney Jose Baez recently told a reporter that he had proof that Casey was sexually abused by her father. When I first heard this, I thought "What possible PROOF could he have of that?" Now it's becoming clear that the proof could have been Caylee's DNA, which might have proven that George Anthony is the father of Caylee.
    If Caylee was indeed HIS daughter, then he could be prosecuted for perjury because he said on the witness stand he had never sexually abused Casey. If the authorities had done their jobs in the first place, the parents would have been caught in lies right from the beginning and the truth would have come out. Not only was George protecting his daughter from prosecution, he was also protecting his own precious reputation. And knowing Florida's prosecuters, they probably gave George and Cindy immunity in exchange for their testimony, so, like Casey, they walk fee. Florida: what a great state!

    There was DNA done had it been George's daughter (Caylee) the Defense would've been all over it an brought the jury so, NO Caylee wasn't George's or LEE's also there's a lady from up around Kentucky/Ohio that came forwards 2-3 wks that had a son killed in an auto accident that was asking about Dna because her son had stated he had a daughter with a girl "Casey" who parents were George/Cindy but she didn't know their last name. But one can't blame the STATE the Court tainted the jury by denying the State the right to a fair jury and it allowed the Defense to make unfounded statements at opening and through the trial combined with 12 Morons that used poor common sense and didn't even look at the evidence in their decision. So as, I've stated in other answers OUR COURT SYSTEM IS A FARCE/JOKE.

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