    Is text communcation changing culture in a positive way or otherwise,

    +1  Views: 457 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Well I think that computers are a good thing, but I myself abhor phone texting. I would must rather if a person wants to talk to me then they actually talk to me so to me that is affecting culture, in my opinion, in a very negative way and is really not socializing in a manner of speaking.
    CELL phone texting is changing a lot of how to understand what people are writing and when you can not understand the cell phone texting lingo at all your completely bewildered

    Thank you for the thumb ups

    Spare me....what ever happened to writing someone a letter or even speaking to someone over the phone....this texting stuff to me is super crap....too much lack of communication and not even be able to communicate on a personal level

    Negative on texting. It's making people lazy about spelling.  I do not text. I do not know text lingo. When I see it here on the forum or on Facebook, I have trouble reading it, following it, comprehending it. Because of that, communication ends. I have no idea what the person is saying. At least if they post using a foreign language, I can run it through the Google translator. Texting, there is no translator and again, it's causing people to lose the ability to spell correctly.

    I don't like texting for general conversing, however I like it for giving information such as directions, phone numbers, etc. It is also handy if the other person cannot use the phone (ie. at work) and you need to get them a message. I also will text first if I am not sure the other person is available or may still be in bed, etc.

    Way to say, Darci13!

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