    I've dug myself a hole. Need your help to get out of it, please?

    met who is my best friend again after a long while when I was 14. In my desperate attempts to impress him, I told him of all my famous conquests with girls and how 'far' I had got with them. Through the whole year me and him went througha kinda sexual transition from what was actually a boy to man transition for him, but for me was a basis of lies about losing my virginity :/

    Anyways, after 3 more years he's continued his success with girls and still sees me as someone to talk to regarding the matter. Another one of our mates who has come very close to us and almost completed a trio of best mates suspects me of lying regarding my supposed sexual conquests; but my best friend seems unable to believe anything else regarding the matter.

    I've changed so much recently and are much more comfortable regarding my love life and my friends and really want a relationship with my best friend not based on a lie. I would rather tell him then he get it from some of my other friends who know me as a virgin and give me friendly stick for it.

    Any advice on how to admit the truth to my friend; and whether or not it is actually worth doing?

    +8  Views: 898 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    Dear, stay a virgin. Your sexual life is your business and no one else's. Tell them no nothing. They'll get an STD and you'll be safe. There is a horrible new HIV raging through China at the moment. If you catch it, it's a death sentence and you die very quickly from it. It's only a matter of time before it's all over the world. Stay safe. Do your own thing. Don't follow others, no matter what they say or do. Be your own man.

    13 Answers

    Hi Justsad You now have to face up to what you have done you must tell the truth as they say honesty is the best policy and and when you tell this person the truth they will for give you if they are any kind of friend anyway point out that you were only 14yrs yrs af age and now you are grown up and you are trying to behave as a grown up good luck
    Be honest with your best friend, and stop the lying.
    I am old, have been around a long time.
    Seems to me all "boys" and a lot of supposedly grown men brag about their conquest.
    Suggest you let your buddies know what you have done, they probably have done the same also. You will all be able to get a good laugh out of the situation.

    good answer :P
    I have a 15 year old virgin son.. His friends are sexually active. They have no problem with him respecting girls. Tell them Dude I am a virgin... ANd leave it at that ... Guys dont get all pissy because a friend lied (or exadrerated). If you are honest you wont have the berdon of making up bigger and beter lies and you wont have to remember all of them...
    it's those that brag the most that aren't getting any.

    'tis true... in this case that is me though :S
    I made the same mistake with my first serious girlfriend, it actually kept us apart longer because of the lies. I don't believe I ever told her that I wasn't experienced. It made her reluctant to give herself to me because she thought that I was a seasoned sexual man.

    I believe the truth is always best, just tell him you didn't want people to make fun of you, and your sorry for not being honest. He will most likely really respect you for it.
    whats wrong with being virgin? shows you have self respect. whats wrong with that. nothing. good job young MAN

    That's actually an admirable quality!
    A very complicated story. You won't the first young man to lie about your sexual conquests. Many men will tell you that the man who does the most talking about it, gets the least of it.
    You should have heeded Shakesphere's words when he said,.....'' What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive ''

    Them that talks the mostest, gets the leastest
    Climb out of the hole, fill it in and tell your friend the truth. If he is a good friend, he will understand. The older you get the more you will understand that its ok to be yourself.
    I get the feeling you are still only 14 and pulling our legs when you should try something else.

    I you are being honest with us be honest with your "friend"

    OK, definately not pulling your leg, i'm 17 it says so in my bio :)

    thanks for the answer :)
    I think if it's bothering you a whole lot then keep it real and tell him the truth,on the other hand,it's none of his buisness who and when you choose to have sexual encounters with,there are some things in life that can be left unspoken about. :)
    Be honest and also who cares if your a virgin, No reason to kiss and tell any how, let them just think.

    be honest ok


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