    I am 69 years old and recently my doctor put me in a 5mg prinivil to lower my blood pressure.My blood pressure flutuates between 140 /89 and 137/84 now I prefer not to take the medication to avoid side effects, but i'm scarded.What shall I do?

    0  Views: 922 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    If your doctors giving you meds for blood pressure your describing find another doctor. Your not abnormally high. Don't start taking this stuff, you will never be able to get off of it.
    Don't stop until your PB is running lower, you can get it lower by exercise and natural products like garlic, honey and cinnamon. My mom whose BP was in the 150-170 got it under control by losing weight and taking garlic.
    Here's a link that has helpful information on how to lower your blood pressure without drugs:

    10 ways to control high blood pressure without medication ...
    You can lower your blood pressure without medication. ... High blood pressure dangers: Hypertension's ... Quitting smoking. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. http://www ... -

    Please be careful before quitting a medication, my step dad was a Perfusionist who worked daily with Cardiologists, make sure to get a few opinions from different doctors if you want to make sure.

    This study shows that the risk of ICH stroke is more than doubled in patients diagnosed as having hypertension, compared to people with normal blood pressure. Among those treated with antihypertensive drugs, the risk is much higher (doubled again) in those who have discontinued treatment, compared with those who continue on their medication.

    Recently there have been reports of successful treatment of high blood pressure by salt restriction and weight loss, to such an extent that drug medication can be discontinued.3 The present study adds a note of caution to this approach. Drug treatment should not be discontinued while the blood pressure is still raised. Those patients who can control their blood pressure adequately without medication should continue their effective lifestyle, without medication; however, they do need to have their blood pressure checked regularly monitored. Otherwise, as the principal author, Dr Thrift, says: "The bottom line is if you have high blood pressure, keep taking those medications, have regular blood pressure checks, and give up smoking".

    I left you a link here, everyone has an opinion, but none of us are Cardiologist, I don't think. Please be careful, by quitting a blood pressure medication, you can make things worse?...

    This study shows that the risk of ICH stroke is more than doubled in patients diagnosed as having hypertension, compared to people with normal blood pressure. Among those treated with antihypertensive drugs, the risk is much higher (doubled again) in those who have discontinued treatment, compared with those who continue on their medication.

    Recently there have been reports of successful treatment of high blood pressure by salt restriction and weight loss, to such an extent that drug medication can be discontinued.3 The present study adds a note of caution to this approach. Drug treatment should not be discontinued while the blood pressure is still raised. Those patients who can control their blood pressure adequately without medication should continue their effective lifestyle, without medication; however, they do need to have their blood pressure checked regularly monitored. Otherwise, as the principal author, Dr Thrift, says: "The bottom line is if you have high blood pressure, keep taking those medications, have regular blood pressure checks, and give up smoking".

    I left you a link here, everyone has an opinion, but none of us are Cardiologist, I don't think. Please be careful, by quitting a blood pressure medication, you can make things worse?...
    Get rid of them before they wipe out your kidneys they are poison. I am 50 years old my blood pressure is 160/90 for many years and I am in perfect health. Years back the standard for blood pressure was 160/100. They lowered the numbers to put everybody on medication using fear factors if you don't take them you will have a heart attack. I do work for dialysis centers and everybody's kidneys were wiped out by these medications but they want you to believe it was the blood pressure. Eat a healthy organic diet and have a nice day instead of going to dialysis 3 times a week for the rest of your life.
    well the only reason your doctor would give you the meds to help you. i guarantee what happens if you Do take the medication couldn't;t be worse if you DIDN'T take the medication.

    -lily, 12 yrs. old (don;t ask about my age)
    Stop using salt and walk every day, that should help lower your BP

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