    do you think casey anthony will be assasinated after she gets out of jail?

    +4  Views: 651 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    Maybe. There a very unstable people out the there. She will go to a undisclosed location with protection and eventually will have to change her identity to be safe. This could be worse for her than spending years in prison.
    I think she will have to be given a new identity and also protection,there is a lot of angry people out there.

    hey you think she is innocent?

    Nope,not for a minute.

    Also, some plastic surgery along with the new identity!
    At least it would be TRUE JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE an I'm sure there's alot of people that would donate for the defense of the accused, then maybe the jury would ACQUIT them.
    good chance she might be people are crazy,one guy i saw on the news wants to marry her.

    I saw that!! He says he wants to help her get her life together.. LOL.. I believe we will see much about her in the future, theres already a casey Anthony support page on facebook.

    he's just waiting for the book deal!
    They police held a press conference after the trial, and stated that they would be patrolling the neighborhood and that people should avoid this area. I'm sure there is a crazy person out there with plans to do something ridiculous.

    I saw on the news yesterday that there is a lady that has the same name as the imagined babysitter, that's now filing a lawsuit against her. This country is sue happy, hopefully if Casey gets a book or movie deal, she will loose all the ill gotten money is this law suit.

    Do you know how easy it is to change your look,just look how different she looked just by letting her hair down and a little makeup,she could take it up a notch and be living next door and you would'nt even know it.And no "Ann"nothing could worst than prison for her.Our courts failed "caylee" and "caylee" only.Do i think someone will try to harm casey,not a sane person,but there are alot of wackos out there that may try,but what good does that do?FIX THE COURTS!!! That would bring justice to caylee so it can't happen again...
    I don't think so... Its a possibility but I doubt it. I do think she will be back in jail soon though, she has shown already that she is above the law and gloats in her success. I see her making millions in the meantime and i am sure that her attorneys have already signed a deal with her to collect royalties. if they didn't, they are crazy, she is now a money making machine.. People love to hate her and will pay to prove it..
    That is such a pathetic story. Everyone involved was taught to lie as children and when problem arrises that involves an authority figure in their life they panic and go to the lessons their parents taught them as children. Their parents were also taught to lie by the same methods. They should not be allowed to raise their own children for this reason.

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