
    I personally am a mother to three children ages 14,10,4,but I know some may and may not purposely choose to have any.What was the ultimate factor behind those decisions.Please share your thoughts and experiences below.:)

    +6  Views: 728 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    I have Three Children, Three Step-Children and Five Grand-Children!

    How wonderful,I have three children and three steps also.Not yet at the grandparents stage though,that's much later hopefully, since are youngest is 4.LOL.You and I are truly blessed!Thanks for the comment!

    Two of the five grands is from my son and daughter, Three of the grands is from my husband's daughters.

    I thank God for our Family. Yes, you and I are truly blessed!!!

    Wow Pamela I bet you are kept busy well done ! lot of love M

    Thanks Mel, back at you! ;*

    I have three children, seven grandchildren and one precious great-grand daughter, and I LOVE THEM ALL.


    How sweet....lot's of grans=lot's of love,they keep you busy I'm sure,that's priceless!Thanks so much for sharing.:)
    i don't have any children as was strongly advised to be sterilised as have current psychiatrist asked last week if I was planning to start a family.As I was sterilised and am 51 I thought in view of circumstances a tad insentitive.Regret not having children but pleased to share in the lives of family and friends.

    Thanks for your response,your choice to remain child free shows how unselfish you are,you put your wants last and what you thought would be in the best interest first.It was very brave of you to put responsibility first,as so many people aren't,and bring children into the world because they want them,but not whats best.I applaud you for your courage, because I'm sure it was a hard decision to make.Thanks so much for sharing, I'm sure your family and friends are blessed to have you there to share with.God bless! :)

    thanks for appreciating my views and why I took them i am a christian and it has helped me deal with the loss.
    I have 7 children and two step children, I refer to them normaly as step because they have bee "MINE" for 30 odd years.

    I have 16 grand children 12 great grand children.

    I lost interest in my 3 wheeled bike very early in life.

    Wow you have a big family,that's awesome!
    Do you promise not too abuse me if I answer?

    Wow...sure,if you don't abuse me.LOL.I only speak my mind,if that's abuse,then I'm not the only one on this site that is guilty.:)
    All comments appreciated.Thanks!

    My wife and i never had children, certainly was not for lack of trying , of course we love kids we both have plenty of nieces and nephews that we enjoy, sometimes we don't want to give them back, but god has a reason for everything..

    I knew from an early age I did not want to have a child. I knew that I had problems and those problems could be passed on and for the life of me, I did not want to see that happen. I turned out OK however it took a lot to get me to that point and I would never have or still don’t have the resources to help a child overcome the problems that it might face with my gens.

    Two chidren should be enough for any couple. Think about the world population and think about the kids' job prospects.

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