    Deaf friend...

    I made a friend on FB... She was born deaf. I am meeting her tomorrow in person for the first time. Can you think of anything I can do to make her more comfortable hanging out with me and a few of my friends? Or should I treat it like a non issue.

    +10  Views: 1132 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    I probably don't need to tell you this Jenn but I have had some experiences with my daughter trying to communicate with other people that I would rather forget.But.... Just remember she is deaf.. Not stupid. When people talk to my daughter like she is a 5 year old I see red because I am aware of how intelligent she really is.

    LOL.. I promise I will not treat her like she is five. She is brilliant and tough as nails.. She is a body builder. i have no intention of treating her different.. I just want to be curtious.
    Treat it like a non issue. Treat her like you would do any new friend. Have a great visit!!!

    Thank you. I intended to, but then the thought of me not making concessions for her made me feel guilty. LIke I wasnt concerned about her comfort.

    I have a deaf friend. He's never needed any kind of concessions. Not sure what they would be.

    Tommy mentioned lip reading ... do we need to be directly in front of her for her to be able to read our lips? Geez Colleen sometimes Iwonder what I ever did without you..

    No, just keep turned towards her. You do not have to stare at her either, lol. Just talk at her like you would anyone else. You do not have to speak slowly either. Just talk normal but not overly fast. They pick keywords when they have to and figure it out. A lot like we do here when we decipher 1/2 questions. Don't worry about it if you forget to look her way when speaking. She'll let you know she missed what you said in the same way a hearing person goes, huh? Or, sorry, I missed that. No worries. Trust me, they worry about you more than you worry about them ;)

    LOL... SHe is not a spider... I am not worried about her... JK Love ya Colleen!

    OK, missing the spider joke here......

    "trust me they worry about you more than you worry about them" that is what we tell the kids when the ysee a snke or a spider.

    Ahhh, OK, lol...I tell the kids to pat the spiders ;)

    Gee Colleen you would not want the kids patting some of our spiders.

    We, in Australia have the worlds deadliest spiders,snakes and sea creature.

    That's why I don't live in Australia :) We have Daddy long legs. I use to play with them as a kid. I use to carry snakes around too because I could freak out my neighbors with them :)
    Yeah, I have to agree thumbs up! You could take a crash course in sighing maybe later when you have more time? I have a book on it and have always wanted to learn to sign, but I just haven't been able to incorporate it into my reading load. This is a very considerate question, I do think that most people with any disability prefer to be treated like anyone else.

    I know some very basic sign lang... But she can speak. ANd read lips. SHe has 2 children. And is in need of a support system right now. I want to be sure she feels as though we are there for her.

    That's awesome, everyone should have a group of people that they can count on, keep up being a sweetheart!
    Treat it as a non issue which it is.She can probably lip read if she was born deaf so just make sure she is looking at you when you speak.

    She does read lips. That was one thing I was wondering.. Does she need to be directly in front of me? I have had severel blind friends and parilazed or amputy friends.. But she is the first completely deaf friend I have had.

    No,just tap her on the shoulder before you speak.I'm quite sure she is used to it.Enjoy your visit Jenn.
    Hi Jenn what ever you decide to do will be fine you are a sencable person and caring treat her like you would a freind no different have a nice day LOL
    Jenn ! I think if you wrote her a nice letter telling what your plan for the spend day together,maybe make her feel like someone special,go out to a nice restaurant red lobster and bring her to the mall and spend all the money you have,or hers,banks got lots of it,Oh don't forget bring her flower.

    Why would I bring her a flower??? I am married.. I dont want to date her... LOL

    Yeah,no need to "wash her car either"!LMAO

    just tell is from a secret admire,well good friend bring flower don't they,well then get her something she might want a puppy maybe,come on be nice.

    BAhahahaha... That is how all this started.. We nick named my neighbor "puppy" on FB one night and we picked on him for hours..... I am not giving her Brian he is MINE!!!!

    Who Brian? your puppy,no I said get her something she might need,sometime people just like your company,only trying to give you some hint.
    start off as a non issue if you see her strugling adapt on the fly

    LOL I am an off the cuff kinda girl so I should be just fine!
    If it's just the two of you, just be aware that she must see your face to communicate. If there are many people present, they must be aware that one speaks at a time to her. My Great granddaughter is deaf since birth. She's four now and we communicate wonderfully. Common sense will dictate how to communicate. It amazes me how even a deaf female is capable of being a pain the the ass. I love my little angel to death.
    When I was playing competition tennis one of our opposing teams were either profoundly deaf or partialy deaf.

    We spoke to them the same as any other team.
    Umpiring was a bit of fun I must confess, but we played against them on numerious occasions and always had a good time. Buggers could play, we recconed it was because they did not have the distraction of nose.
    Hope you have a great time and fill us in after the weekend.
    This reminds me of a time we went out with a deaf friend to a club as we were sitting at the table he tells us that the couple sitting over in the far corner were having a argument,he could tell us word to word what they were arguing about,just by lip reading.You don't have to give your friend any special treatment she will blend in just fine.

    Can't you forget about him and still be her friend or is he such a dog that he will give her a hard time for associating with the likes of you! LOL


    No he is such a dog I think he will hum,p my leg.. I am not getting in the middle of it.. And it is really sad we have been friends with him for years and years.. We actually set them up.. But he is not the person I always thought he was..

    You are actually building a fence?  Wow.  That's heavy.  Who ya gonna borrow stuff from now?


    NO I have two very worn paths throught the woods to the neighbors.. I pulled all of the downed limbs from around the property and blocked the paths. ANd I love his wife..It is going to be hard mot to depend on her for those little things..But he is a dog.

    Jenn - DO TELL!!


    Turns out my nieghbor who had only talked to her on FB was trying to "get with her". I called him on it and he told me I was acting like a jealous ex. (he is married) I was looking out for his wife. Needless to say I got really pissed. But waited until the new friend left. I dont think she knew what he was up to. There is now a 5 ft blockade between our houses. It was 3 yesterday. But I worked on it some more today.

    Jenn,  how did the date with your new hearing impaired friend go?



    It went great.. It was the after math that blew chunks... It got messy. But she is a cool chick.

    Paying for lunch would be a good start, and a hug never hurts.

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