    Are you getting an answer to your question?

    Please go back and read your question to see, if you had no idea what you were asking would your question make it clear, spelling, good english, proper spacing, just make sense and you will be more likely to get an answer.

    +10  Views: 3863 Answers: 33 Posted: 13 years ago

    Thumbs up on your question Randy, it's important for the site.

    33 Answers (31-33 Displayed)

    I don't think it's lack of interest leeroy, I think it's more, what the heck do we do as long as corrupt officials are still in office and new elections are too far into the future to help now.

    "If you get a chance mention to admin. that we can't go back into the title of the question to edit it."

    I've already mentioned that to them, twice. I think it might be the format and could be it's not changeable. I've told them this style of formatting isn't working well for discussions or debates. The answer I got was, "Maybe we need to think of another solution which is more biased towards discussions for people who are more into conversation than answering questions."

    We'll see if they come up with anything.
    Thanks for your answer Colleen, I also left them a comment on the "Cant edit the question" thing, probably more than once. I just think the more input they get the more they will realize that it's a problem.

    You're right about the politicians, time to get some fresh perspectives in Washington, or someone that will actually do something about the problems.
    I usually answer questions that I believe I know the answer to or I would like to learn the answer to. I did leave a resent question about the national debt yesterday that didn't get an answer, but I suspect that's just due to "lack of interest."

    Sometime it's difficult to even understand what the author's are trying to ask. If you get a chance mention to admin. that we can't go back into the title of the question to edit it.

    You can only go into additional comments, not into the title itself. But I think you guys are correct about it being a language barrier or a young user thing. Great answers all.

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