    When iz the world going to end? iz it true? about 2012????

    +3  Views: 1148 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    It will end when GOD decides an not before.
    lol...You don't have your spaceship built yet? oh,geez! ... You better just get a Hippity Hop.

    Lol Thanx for that Roger!
    Roger Willcoe

    np...i think there on sale at walfart uk, not sure what colors (get red) they have left?

    If the world is (Z) going to end what difference will miz -spelling make?

    2012 hey.That's better odds than my doctor give me.

    yeah, we're all gunna die. You need to pack up and get on that last shuttle flight outta here..
    I really wouldn't loose sleep worrying about it.
    LOL Thanx :)
    It isn't going to end untill our Lord , Jesus Christ, decides it's going to end. And when it does, Jesus has made provisions for you. He said, ''My father's house has many mansions ( rooms). I am going to prepare a place for you ''
    And when the robbers on the cross next to him said, Take me with you. Jesus said, ''From this day forward, you shall dwell in paradise with me ''.
    Check out

    Why be concerned, be ready, may be today, accept a free gift. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Just say yes and mean it, tell others about your choice.


    Headless Man

    Thank you,
    (you do know that photo is
    I know but I don't answer to people who misspell "is"

    He's just a kid; and they like to be dramatic and different

    Hector, why do you call 'me mr gay uk' ? I am not gay and I don't live in the UK.

    In the next world you will be able spell  '' iz''  any way you like.


    LOL, Mr Gay UK is the name of the person who asked the question.

    OK Hector, but he is pretty isn't he?
    I have found out that there iz hope for a few people who live in a small village in the Pyrenees called Bugarach.
    Nearby iz a mountain where extraterrestrials live who will take residents away to safety.
    I heard this on the BBC so it must be true.

    Shhhhh ... We are with a person who mispells "is" Delete you answer until the spelling error is corrected. OK? : )

    Iz that better? Perhaps the questioner iz one of the extraterrestrials.

    no body knows when the world is going to end 

    no its not

    House prices rising in Bugarach, google for campsites. Houses should be free after 21 May 2012.

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