    If a juror in the Casey Anthony trial was a close friend, would your relationship change?

    +4  Views: 868 Answers: 10 Posted: 13 years ago

    10 Answers

    No way! remember this, your friend sat through the entire process, they had ALL information, you only have what the 'biased' media wants you to know.. My friend on that Jury would be an authority on the decision, not me.. And for that matter, none of ~us~ are and we really shouldn't judge based on all media biases.. That's how we elected the last president, media favoritism..

    I certainly have my leaning on the Anthony case but only based on what I know and what they tell me..
    ed shank

    Biased media is BS, I heard what I heard. Everybody on the defense lied, drowning, sexual molestation, 31 days and GRANDMA has to call 911. Sloppy police work is what put this murderer back on the street.

    I never insinuated that she is innocent, I am saying I don't know what the jury knows, the camera was not running the whole time for us as the proceedings were going on all the time for the jury. We know what we are s'posed to know. She was convicted for lying and the media wanted us to know that too! But for the life of me, i can not figure out how you can convict without reasonable doubt that she was murdered when all you have to go on is a dry skeleton. There was no incriminating murder evidence only 'circumstantial' and you can not convict on that alone in an 'say we all' proceeding.

    I too think she is guilty of something beyond telling lies. You don't have accidental death and make it look like murder.. It's the prosecution that failed in their job to convince the jury.. They did not do that, and due to 'our' judicial system of being judged by peers, she got off.. Apparently, they knew and know something more than we all know, this is what I am saying, I want to know the WHOLE story, not just bits and pieces that the media feeds us of their choosing.

    There would no change with my close friend!
    No. I would not hold my best friend accountable for that decision
    ed shank

    Than who?

    The Procecution who did not have the evidence to back up theire charges.
    HI Ed, No, I don't think my relationship would change. My friends and I don't always agree about everything and we are still friends. So, my answer is no, I don't think it would change. Do You?
    ed shank

    Still not sure.
    Mine would not change. What the jurors heard and what we saw and heard are not the same. The friend's obligation would be to follow the law as presented to the jury.
    I would be very tempted to ask what prompted the not guilty verdict on the child abuse portion.


    I want to know about that myself, I think my friend would be honest with me about how it was voted and what went on. They are allowed to talk after the trial if they want to.

    Thanks for the TU
    ed shank

    You are a true friend.
    absolutly he'd be closer than ever especially with that new book deal waiting!

    I must have missed something in between my visit to the pharmacy and Wal Mart. Does someone already have a book deal out?
    ed shank

    Not yet but it's coming.
    My relationship would change.(she/he might not know it) I can deal with a difference in the strange land of cyberspace but not sitting over coffee in my livingroom.

    Your friendship would suffer because she voted different than you wanted her to? And you wouldn't tell her what's bugging you.

    I'm rather surprised.
    ed shank

    Thank you for your comment, I feel the same as you. Would I never talk to this person again, probably, but I would never again see them in the same light.
    Relationship would not change at all, a lot of us have different opinions, and its important to respect this jury and the law.
    ed shank

    Correct, the law must be respected. In this instance we failed.
    YES, especially now being JUROR#3 was interviewed an stated "They didn't say they thought she was innocent, they just didn't know what sentence she deserved" that's not their duty just a verdict. Their all DESPICTABLE and hopefully will reap what they sowed.

    The judge hands down the sentence decision based on codes and laws that are already on the books. I though it was the jury's duty to decide if she is innocent or guilty.

    Yvonne57, that's correct but apparently the jury was looking for an excuse in my opinion to AWE the verdict for FINANCIAL REASONS.
    ed shank

    I'm hearing it first here, juror #3. Sleep well after you tuck your kids in tonight.
    I am at a loss for words. This was wrong.

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