    just in casey anthony verdict !

    +1  Views: 838 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    This is something Casey Anthony have to live with for the rest of her life. She got by, but, she want get away. Her conscience will eat her alive!

    We can only hope!

    time will tell...
    ed shank

    What conscience, she killed her baby. She will cash in on movie rights, and books. She will live a fruitful life. The jury will have a much tougher time of it once they are made public. They are guilty of not allowing closure of this horror. May they rot in hell.

    Hopefully, it will not be a movie about Caylee. Ill-gotten gains for the mother, not on my dime!
    ed shank

    This one fell through the cracks, how, why, it just did. Lets hope it doesn't happen on this level again.
    The jury should be hung. Literally.
    ed shank

    A perfect example of justice gone wrong.

    These twelve were given strict warnings that they must follow the law. If there is no proven cause of death then one cannot vote guilty because it has not been proven that there was a "MURDER". The little girl is dead, that does not automatically mean murder. Do you think that the prosecution proved that the duct tape killed the girl? If so how did they prove it? They gave a theory, that's all.

    The jury should be commended for following the law.

    Boy how the media has people hook liner and sinker just like a cult, they have them and lead them around to whatever they want them to believe.
    ed shank

    Were you watching the same trial I was? You probably believed OJ was innocent too, right? The evidence presented was more than sufficient to conclude that this monster was guilty as charged. Another travesty of justice. She still has another Judge to answer too. I do appreciate your input however.

    I don't know Ed,

    I don't think it is anything like the OJ trial. THere was hard evidence in OJ's case, blood on his socks, blood in his car, a cut on his hand, a bloody glove on his estate, motive, a record of threats, etc, etc. OJ was guilty for sure according to the "facts" not "theories".

    I agree with you that she does have a higher Judge to answer to, as do we all. Are you ready to meet that Judge with the charges that have been laid against you? Do you have a good defense attorney? I have lined up Jesus as mine.
    ed shank

    We obviously interpret what we saw differently. People have been convicted of murder without a corpse. That aside, yes, I'm in a good place with God and he will welcome me into paradise. Bet we don't meet Casey Anthony there.

    I wouldn't be able to make that bet knowing how Jesus Christ paid the death penalty for all sins and will forgive all sins with the one exception of unbelief in God's testimony of the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Remember that the Apostle Paul himself was a murderer of innocent people for simply believing in Jesus Christ.

    If Casey calls on Jesus Christ, she will be saved.

    She will still have to pay for what she did. There's a higher being than Jesus.
    OJ Simpson all over again. Groan. This is what happens when you make a trial a media circus. The jury gets too self conscious and gives dumb ass verdicts. Those 12 jurors may have let her get away with it but the laws of karma will not.

    This jury didn't see all of the hype that we did. If they would have they would have convicted her just on the lies and partying alone like the rest of emotional America. We got to see Casey's partying picture at least 50-60 times a day and we got to hear Nancy Grace and Jane along with a parade of other talking heads tell us how guilty she was for the past three years. THank God we have Judges smart enough to find jurors who have not been brainwashed by our media.

    If the jury really felt self-conscious it would have had the opposte effect I believe, they would have said guilty and gave the death penalty just to please the mob.

    I'm sure she's happy knowing you are on her side and will be her knight in shining armor anytime someone calls her, "tot killer". Someone had to champion the guilty I suppose. Go protect your fallen angel god FoG.

    You have to remember Colleen that from my knowledge of Jesus Christ, Casey will not go to heaven unless she calls on Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation. So from that perspective, you are more on her side eternally speaking than me. You believe even Hitler will live happly ever after with us all. I believer Hitler went straight to hell.

    I never said Hitler would have a happily ever after god FoG. I said he would have to pay for his crimes against humanity. He will not be happy for sure but he will learn as all Souls do. The real God does not destroy. EVER. Only man destroys. Casey will pay too. Did you know Hitler was a Christian? He attacked the Jews because they killed Christ. He went after homosexuals because he believed, like many Christians do, that God hates the gays. He believed Christ is God. That means according to your faith, he was absolved of his sins and now exists happily in heaven.

    Sorry Colleen, it doesn't work that way. Christians do not hate as Hitler hated. You will know them by their fruits, whether good or bad. Doesn't matter what one says they are, God knows them that are His.

    FoG, what I know is there are people who follow the bible, read the bible and believe in the bible and still hate other people. Call them what you want but I will call what they call themselves, Christians. Hitler accepted Christ as his savior. That means he was saved according to everything you have ever said and according to your religion. No taking it back now.

    I take nothing back I haven't said.

    If a man says he loves God and hates his fellow man he is a liar and the truth is not IN him. You will read that in the Christian hand book...the Holy Bible... 1 John. Hitler was a child of the devil.

    Ye must be born of God, if born of God then one will love as God loves.

    I know my own bible Colleen, you do not know what it says nor do you care what it says. If you want to know what it says about those who just say they are CHristians and do not live as Jesus lived you will have to ask a Christian what the Bible says, only a true CHristian will know what the bible actually says about the subject.

    Or a Christina who THINKS he knows. If you had your way god FoG, there would be only a handful of Souls in heaven since you send most everyone else to hell who does not believe as strictly as you do. I'm done with this. It's too off topic again, just like you like to do any chance you can when commenting to me. You will never change my beliefs. Jesus is not God.

    I have no power to send anyone to hell or to heaven, that is up to God the Father. I only tell you what God the Father has said in His given Word. God was smart enough, of course, to give us Christians His Word so people could measure oneself according to the life of Jesus Christ rather than what "he said she said" a Christian should be.

    Yet you have spent time telling other Christians how they should be according to how YOU interpret the bible. Sounds like a "FoG said" (he said/she said) to me. Whatever, I'm done discussing your made up religion with you. Have your last world then call it a night.

    As you know, I have asked many, many times of those other Christians you speak of to give me another interpretation of the scriptures that I reference and not one was ever given...not once. So it appears that the "Fog's interpretation" argument has not been able to gain any respect and it has been put forth months ago.

    Here it is.....

    1Jo 3:10 ¶ In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

    If any Christian out there would like to explain what this means that is contrary to what I say it obviously says, I am all ears. According to this scripture was Hitler a Christian???
    This is outrageous based on what the media wanted us to know, I do not trust the media, they will sway public opinion the way they feel it benefits them the best. Nancy Grace had her convicted and executed months ago.. Media controls public opinion.. At one time, media coverage was news, today media coverage is based on profits..

    None of us were in that courtroom, none of us are on the jury, we don't have all the information but based on what information we've been told, she is as guilty as OJ..


    you are absolutely right vinny,they should have put her in the same cell with oj,maybe they would have killed each other....just like always where is a guy like jack ruby when you need them?
    It's not the jury's fault that the state did not meet their obligation. Blame the state if you need to blame someone. Blame the lousey police officer who didn't want to look for the body when he was told right were it was, I guess they since fired him. Blame the tipster for not going and getting another police officer or the press to point out were the body was. I believe he decided that he would hold out for a bigger reward at a later date. If I found a child's remains I gaurantee you that I would not stop at just a 911 call or an arogant cop. If the police wouldn't listen then i would get the press involved. Something stinks about that man who found the remains.
    who would be the next most likely to have murdered Caylee?
    ed shank

    It is sad that so many people do not understand the law concerning proof (not theories) beyond any reasonable doubt. It does not matter one iota how guilty one thinks a person is, the LAW REQUIRES that allegations must be proven by FACTS not THEORIES. They didn't prove a cause of death, duct tape laying near the skull does not PROVE death by duct tape. The prosecuters got greedy, they should have charged her with unintentional homicide, then they might have had a chance of guilty.
    did any one think may be the dad "bought" her verdict? werent they well off? it does happen. breaks my heart to hear about a death of a child.

    Buying a jury consist of buying just one to cause a Hung jury. One could not get to all twelve for a not guilty verdict.

    The death of any child is heart wrenching. I take it you are pro-life as am I. God Bless!

    your right. thank you friend

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