    Are You Critical Of How You Look Or Comfortable With Your Appearance?

    +10  Views: 1101 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    good question Pamela

    Thanks, Mel!

    12 Answers

    I am what I am, take it or leave it. I am very comfortable with my appearance.

    God said to Moses I am! who I am!

    True, I agree. :-)
    When I was younger I was always worried about my appearance. Constantly checking the mirror to be sure the makeup is on right, the clothes are hanging properly, everything was tucked in and nothing hanging down where it shouldn't be.

    Now, I could care less. If I have my clothes on the right body parts and none of the unmentionables are visible to me or anyone else - I'm good to go. When you're bald, nothing else really matters! I have learned to be comfortable with this body no matter what anybody else thinks.
    With the exception of some grease under my nails, I try to keep a neat appearance. I make an effort to look good when my wife and I step out for the evening.

    I like a man who takes pride in himself. TU!
    ed shank

    You'd love me sugar.
    courtneey !!

    ehem, this is a help website not a dating website, tut tut!
    My look I'm not worry about, can get any uglier,But my health is A.1.
    I can ski,swim ,fly,run,sit around,drink coffee,smell rose,write on this site,correct all my spelling mistake,retire and watch all the pretty girl walk by,wishing I was young again,I'd still take care of my wife who is my only love,she hasn't been felling well
    lately,it like I don't know what more I can do for her?

    Sorry to hear that about your wife fb, I hope she feels better, she's in my prayers.

    hi facebook hope your wife gets better real soon

    Sorry to hear your wife is not feeling very well, I hope and pray for a speedy recovery for her.

    Thank You!she has her up down,I try too comfort her best I can,it long story,again Thank You all for your thoughtful prayer love you all.
    I'm pretty comfortable with my appearance, I'm usually neatly dressed, smelling good, haircut etc. I don't go overboard, not trying to impress anyone, already taken. I work out, not as much as I used to, but the body is not bad, still pretty good shape. My wife says I still look good to her lol. I'm had quite a few other females that say I 'm easy on the eyes, so I guess I'm alright.

    That's what I'm talking can look, but don't touch. lol!

    She hangs pretty close to me when we go out and we are both looking sharp, like you say don't touch lol !!
    I'm satisfied. I wasn't standing behind the door when God gave me everything.

    It's a blessing that God gave you everything.

    I am in sales and I am also a professional musician, I must try my best to look my best..  In both professions i must feel good about my self to perform...

    I was pretty vain when I was younger and buffer, lol. I don't seem to care as much as I've gotten older, but I seem to be much more critical about my own looks than other people are.


    Just like wine you improve with age. :-)

    I sure hope so! :)

    In my own humble way I look at myself and think...Wow.... I then take a walk down the street simply to share myself with others. Its only fair. Now a big LOL

    think about how many people like you and always think POSITIVE x

    You've seen my picture.Whatta ya reckon? at least I'm not frightened of posting my picture I suppose.I used to scrub up pretty presentable but these days I'm not so enthusiastic.

    Maggie (wife) still loves me.That's what counts.:)


    TU to Maggie! :-)

    Yes I am just me and I do not try to be something I am not.  Yeah I am by no means perfect, nor will I ever be, but the best thing I can do is to daily strive to be better.

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