    Where do you think the most misinformation comes from today?

    +8  Views: 1039 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    good question TU for u

    14 Answers

    Liberal Press
    liberal press
    the goverment. they control the media as well as just about everything else
    The internet is a major source of misinformation. Amazing how people will believe anything posted on it. Many stupid people out there, not willing to research facts.
    Definitely the media and TV News. They have hurt so many innocent people and given a podium to so many a**wholes it just makes me sick!
    To a great extent governments along with the media. Both seem to go hand in hand despite whatever party gets elected to often mis-inform and "bend" facts.
    Fox TV

    Fox News Channel Dominates Again in Q2 with the Top 8 Cable News Programs with Adults 25-54


    2 FNC Hannity 504
    3 FNC GLENN BECK 413
    4 FNC On The Record W/GRETA 398
    5 FNC THE OREILLY FACTOR (repeat) 384
    6 FNC The Fox Report W/S.SMITH 381
    7 FNC SPECIAL RPT W/Bret Baier 377
    10 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (10P) 302
    ed shank

    Fox is the only place where you get factual information.

    Gary, there are a lot of Fox fans here, that wouldn't agree with you! I think the more stations that have the same exact new, the more dangerous the media becomes. To see a channel with a different view is refreshing to me anyway.


    Leeroy, I've no problem with watching different news channels. I just want to see the truth. Where's the new jobs? No help from the conservative. That's for sure. But they sure bitch about it.
    MSNBC... Without a doubt the most aggressive insulting, misinformed bunch of jibberish on TV, spin tactics to pander to their Liberal radical left whiners that use all the commandeered words such as Racist, Diversity, Equal Rights, etc when in fact they break more of these agendas than anyone on the right..

    Jeesh I really despise their tactics, but they preach to the choir in a language they understand--- Hate! Of course, i would not expect to see people on the left seeing what i am seeing but then, as I said, they are the choir.

    Fox on the otherhand, I have YET seen or heard any anchor insult anyone on the left by calling them idiots,stupid, ignorant as I hear on MSNBC, Fox does call them out on issues though but in a respectable way. Thank dear god that Keith Olberman is gone, he was one of the worst offenders, he would froth at the mouth when talking GWB, which of course the far left loves..

    And the rest of the media as well.. The media directs traffic, they create kool-aid drinkers. Lemmings or whatever..
    I think all forms of media are guilty of purposely taking things out of context, in order to sensationalize many stories, and to insert their own slant within them. Sometimes I think they are more interested in selling a story rather than actually trying to be objective. Look at how some stories that spark an interest are repeated over and over, and over again, until they finally come to a hype, and sensationalizing all creates a following that equates to money based upon ratings and how much it will allow them to bilk sponsors of commercials and advertisements.

    Shootah you hit the nail fair and square on the head,I have had people age ten years in five minutes when you change news channels on TV.

    You see a placard outside the newsagents or a ad hyping up something and when you read or hear the whole story the ad was totaly out of context

    MAN BITES DOG Our reporter saw a man eating a hot dog in the park today.

    WOMAN HAS LEG AMPUTATED.A woman who had her leg amputated 20 years ago-----.

    It makes you wonder what they teach in journalism schools these days doesn't it?
    L/Press and the Media and internet and TV news chanels
    Again the conservatives have had their lying words seen here. Enough said.

    I would have added "in my opinion" because not all are in agreeance with that opinion so for you to say "have had their lying ways" is Your opinion not a statement of fact.

    I am in Australia but even from thousands of miles away I can see no reasoning in your statement.

    You're lucky you don't live here. These conservatives won't admit their mistakes. They caused the recession by their lack of controls of big business and given most everything away to the rich. The liberals have given us the 5day work week, the 8 hour day and many other benefits over the years. And now the conservatives want to take it away and give the rich more and tax the middle class and poor more.

    Conservatives are at fault for 'big' business lack of control?? Did you forget that under Clinton administration it all began? Do you think that by attacking the very thing that keeps america employment going 'Big' Business is going to fix unemployment? after all the 'big' business employ thousands upon thousands of people.. Do you think by taking away their incentives to move forward they will thrive and they would hire more?? That is insane liberal thinking! If you remove incentive tax breaks you also remove profits and production, the more they lose, the more they lay off, thus causing lower production.

    You say the Liberal brought us a 5 day work week? they brought us 8 hour work day? Do you feel we work too hard?? Is this 'lazy attitude' of give-give-give the America you want? Is it possible that this could possibly tie in with the fact that we lost our superiority as the world's leading manufacturer of goods shipped worldwide? Do you thing that these 5 day work week and 8 hour people took a dock in wages for having one less day to work?? The real r
    problem is the American liberal wants too many handouts and not willing to work for it.. where now we are seeing the default of this American greed in the sense that we are suffering immense jobless and production in the private sector. I really think its time to get this nation back on its feet and the first step is making the libs account for their guilt, you as many libs are unable to do this, you simply blame the conservatives for any wrong doing in this country, take away our freedom to think on our own, having the government think for you and give you what you believe is your right to have for doing little to nothing to earn it.. We need to keep feeding 'big' business because they ARE America, they ARE the people and the people will work if they have a place to work..
    I quotation on 'BIG' because this is the identifier of liberal media rhetoric. All followers of liberal media like the 'Big' BIG Oil, Big Tobacco, Big Business.. You all seem to want to kill anything that is lucrative. I just don't understand you people's thinking.. keep it up, soon we will have nothing 'BIG' here in the US and we will be just another 3rd world socialist country. But then, I do think liberals blindly want this because they do not pay attention to what is going on and will not take blame for anything.. You need to drop the hatred for your own countryman and settle down to solutions rather than blame..

    Vinney, your rhetoric is typical. If BIG business wanted to bring this country back from our current problems why haven't they brought back the jobs? Why are they closing US plants and shipping overseas even the phone operators? Why are they making 4-5 times the profit now and not reinvesting in the USA? They are gluttons and want more. They sure as hell aren't paying the taxes they should. I pay more taxes that many of these so-called millionaires and so do you. I will close now and respond no more. I've said enough here. That's it.
    Does anyone remember that FOX lost one of its own liars this past week? Glenn Beck is history. Good riddance.

    I think he is a bit boring but not a liar, he's more of a realist and doesn't insult people on the left. liberals are in total fear of him and others like him because he exposes 'lies' from the left..

    BTW; Keith Olberman is gone from MSNBC - Good riddance!! Sooo much hate from you peeps.. LOL..

    But Keith is back on another channel soon. Look for him. haha

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