    If a defendant in the U.S. is "innocent until proven guilty", why are they kept in jail until their trial?

    +1  Views: 576 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Because it makes better sense to keep a guy in jail who just killed his entire family and placed their body parts in sealed fruit jars.

    Its a public safety thing.

    But you're pre-juding, and that's my whole point! So there's really no such thing as "innocent until proven guilty",

    In some cases you just have to throw that out the window. You must be PROVEN guilty in a court of law. That's how the system works. If your crime is hideous and you pose a threat to public safety your bail will be set so high that your NOT going to walk the streets again UNTIL your found innocent. Those are the breaks.
    In capital crimes, the Judge makes the decicion, wether he will set Bail or no Bail.
    Because if the defendant takes flight, it pisses everybody off that goes to the trial...
    I think the truth of the matter is that in the case of our judicial system you are really presumed guilty until possibly proven innocent.

    The press can crucify a alleged felon before they even enter a court room, I know it's freedom of speech, but If the guy is innocent it doesn't seem to help. Public opinion can sway the wrong way and ruin your reputation for life.

    THANK YOU, Leroy! My sentiments exactly; that was my whole point, that people really are presumed GUILTY until proven innocent. Kudos to you!

    Your welcome catgirl, my pleasure. You are absolutely right on with your train of thought.
    shouldn't it be "innocent unless proven guilty" your already guilty they just need to manipulate the system'

    Innocence is determined by courts of law. The wheels of justice turn slowly.A suspect,, accused of a crime, does not immediately get a trial. It's not a perfect system, but that's just the way it is.

    flight risk !

    and if it's federal they can hold them forever with out charges.

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