    how do you find the 'G' spot

    +5  Views: 5564 Answers: 33 Posted: 13 years ago

    33 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Girls are not all the same... their are some with petite clitous and some with full. Some need lube some dont. It is best if you are with a girl who will feel secure enough to you help please her. It is not the mans job to make her orgasim it is her job to know her body well enough to assist him in that quest.
    PEOPLE PLEASE REMEMBER THERE ARE CHILDREN ON THIS SITE! There are better ways to answer such questions, like "if you're old enough, go to an adult site and ask" or better yet, "ask your girlfriend if you're old enough to have one and be having sex with her."

    well said Colleen

    Lighten up, Colleen. This site is for adults The children aren't supposed to be on the internet , unless the parents are there to watch them. And the computer is supposed to be in full view of everybody---especailly the mother. Like when my step-daughters kids were growing up---she put the computer right near the kitchen, so she always knew what the kids were doing on the computer.That's how She caught her under-age daughter one time chatting with an older man, so she grounded her.

    mycatsmom, I'm a moderator of this forum and I am following the instructions of the administrators. You have an issue with how they want the forum to operate, take it up with them.
    its between the"f'and the "h'spot

    :D Ahaha Good One!

    i wil find ur email me
    And all this time I thought my 9 inch long tongue was the proper tool. Who knew?
    When you find it she will shout...'G Wiz'
    find the right man
    I wish somene would find mine.

    email me

    come to me

    Don't you think we're in enough trouble with Colleen already?

    Find it yourself and then kindly teach your partner. 35 years and still counting! Don't mothers teach their daughters anymore? We can find the Moon in a small rocket but not the G spot!

    I was joking :-)

    I wondered who on earth had reactivated this crazy question... but that reply earned me quite a few votes. Amusing people often does.
    in the Lost and Found lol
    You should know this. I've known where the G spot is since I was a teen. It's very easy to find, too much info to go through, but keep practicing, you'll find it.
    Open lips and feel for a little not atop

    Thanks Dutches. is that K-not?

    they say that it's on the upper roof, so to speak , of her vagina. that would be when she's lying down , on her back. Not all women have one.

    Come see me and I will show you exactly where it's at!!!
    Its in the fanny between the F and H spot
    i wish someone would find mine...

    it sounds like someone has lost their woolen hat.
    when u found it u will not for get whereit is xxxxxxx


    @randy palmer hey that was my answer great minds think alike

    randy & daren: that was MY answer. gmta.
    Between the F and H.
    Look, there are Community College courses that teach women - predominantly mature women - how to find their clitoris and what it is. Anni Sprinker has made a fortune teaching women to find what they have had for donkey's years, and still gets women asking her. They have had a one of their own for several decades, and need teaching ! But a man, who hasn't got one, is supposed to know all about it and gets derided for not knowing. WOMEN !!! (tm). Same goes for the 'G' spot. It's YOUR 'g' spot - YOU find it. It is like orgasms: a man is supposed to work hard to 'give' a woman an orgasm and give himself one at the same time. She does..... what??

    "She does..... what??"

    Allows him the privilege of touching her?
    reply of oldanthony is correct and only men who know this are able to satisfy their partners( females of course)
    wish someone would find mine, sounds delightful

    it is.i know how to find it..

    it is !!!!!

    If you can't find  it, your in the wrong hole,you almost can tell by the taste of the tongue,and if that don't work you might haft to get a tongue stretcher,have you try reaching it with your finger. Well my friend you could be out option.In anycase don't quick your day job.

    Suliz. Serious question,read something of this. Want to give serious pleasure.

    I regret to say I was being serious, which is why I'm back looking for answers. I didn't intend to sound flippant.

    If your tongue isn't long enough, try your middle finger. You'll know it when you find it. Boy, will you know it !!
    You need my number? i will show you
    with ur tongue but u have to know how to woke it
    with ur toung

    With a name like yours,you wouldnt need to use your tongue.
    All woman fack it so a man never knows when she has reach the roof.

    I dont...

    well i`m too modest to comment
    Open the bible and you will find the 'G' spot.
    If you haven't found her G spot,by now you need change occupation
    like go to a sex counseling or a sex school,Tell me this isn't true
    if the animals can do it,are you not more intelligent or are we evolving into monkey to learn basic on intercourse.try to make a better place in the world,are we evolving or going to the gorilla in the future ,I think I'll back my bag,leave you solve this on your own.

    If you know how to read look between H & F spots...

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