    our racoons are running in the day time does that mean they have rabies?

    0  Views: 312 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Absolutely not; we live in Florida, and this is not out-of-the-ordinary. However, rabies cannot be ruled out. Be on the alert for unusual behavior such as foaming at the mouth and aggressive behavior. If you have cats or dogs outside that could come in contact with them, make sure your pets are up-to-date on their rabies vaccinations. Racoons are a major reservoir of rabies, as you apparently already know.
    It means they are young Racoons,and working hard, finding food and territorty. He has been run away from from his home and family, and is now out on his own. He has to work extra hard, to find extra food, and stay on the move, because he has not marked out his territorty yet. The adults will attact them and run them off their territorty, so they come out early, then go into hiding, when it gets dark, and the grown ups come out.

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