    i recieved a letter from sentry armored dispatch co that i won 898,899.oo is this true and why should i send 20.oo dol

    +3  Views: 1744 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    "Fools rush in thats a "Song title but tru to you.Ask yourself did i entry a compition "NO it"s a rotten scam"You get nothong for nothing in this "Life next time you get a letter tear it up take care.

    13 Answers

    ya and i got some swampland for sale,, don't be a fool

    200 an acre
    It's a scam. Some places will even mail you a check for $5,000.00, to have you deposit it and mail them the $5,000.00 out of your own account to supposedly cover taxes. You get stuck with a bad check and they get $5,000.00 of your money.

    what i wanna know is sentry armored dispatch co a scam or is this for real
    You are an idiot if you do so that is a scam.
    if you are dumb enough to ask this question,then go head and send the money,maybe if you add a 10.00 tip they will give you more $$$$$$
    That's a scam . You should never have to pay money to win money.
    So many people get caugh out by these scam letters. Not every one is smart enough, to realize, its scam. If everyone is smart, there be no scams. Not good to make fun of someone, who is not sure, this is why there is Q&A
    You should send Sentry Armored Dispatch $20 because they asked you to; it's their handling fee so they can confirm that you got their letter and now they send you the $898,899. You don't think they'd want the wrong person to get all that money, do you?

    catgirl some idiot may take your advice, did you send the original letter?

    Hey Catgirl,the Opera House is up for grabs too,send me $50 so I can start the paper work.LMBGOA
    Hey if you get the money I can do you a real good deal on the Sydney harbour Bridge.LMBGO

    Lol @ Tommyh, ur funny.
    to hector, Now , you're doing the scam . hahahahah
    well they are not saying you are a winner but that you are beeing sponsored by 3rd partys and the 20 is to confirm you to be placed in a drawing of the amount of that money....altough I have not send in my 20.00 becuase im not a good winner so Im not going to waiste my time and theres.
    Yeah and the people in hell are being sent Ice Cream too. Hahahah
    They always say if looks to good to be true then it is.

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