    What do you know of AUSTRALIA.

    obviously this question is for our over-seas cousins,

    +17  Views: 2136 Answers: 32 Posted: 12 years ago

    32 Answers (31-32 Displayed)

    I used to work in and around the yachting industry and though I've always learned about a place from watching t.v. like Daren, I've had the pleasure of meeting many Aussies. I can tell you this,"All the Aussies I have met have been just the coolest people."

    I like how they are straight forward, their accents are cool, and they seem to know how to let their hair down and have some fun. I also know that they aren't considered stuffy, or uptight. It seems like Americans and Australians have much in common when it comes to being up front and honest.

    I know that we have been allies for a long time and fought side by side the freedom of other nations. For the place it's self, I would love to visit one day, even before Europe. I'd like to go surfing there someday even though they do have great whites swimming around.  Just wanted to say thanks for all my Aussie friends for being so straight forward, nice, cool, and interesting people.


    You seem nice, cool and interesting too,Leeroy.

    Thank you! :)

    Hey Bullet, you old crow eater,,are you anywhere near Renmark, i worked the winery and farms about 40 years ago,,also spent a bit of time at Henley Beach in Adelaide, or maybe i should have said on the jetty,,i think it is still called "the city of churches" i did not like Adelaide much,but i did like Renmark, Waikie, and a place called something "Reach" I lived there for about 2 years before heading back to the sunshine state,that was the end of a 5 year hitchhiker adventure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Always nice talking Bullet...


    G'day Terry, thank you for answering my two year old posting - LOL. The reach i think you are referring to, is Swan Reach, yes we are called the City of Churches which in fact should have been thr City of Pubs, at one time we has more pubs in the square mile of Adelaide than any other city in OZ, Adelaide has changed a lot in the last 40 years, we are now in the 21st century at last. No, i am nowhere near Renmark , i live in the suburbs of Adelaide. Cheers Mate. :)
    terryfossil 1

    thats it Bullet ,Swan reach,,ahhhhhhh Memories..the reason i ended up on your 2 year posting,,you were on the people posting,and you said you were suspended 3 years ago,you do not seem to answer in a way that would get you suspended,unless you changed a lot in 3 years,and you sound like you say what you mean,,and thats the only way to talk........always nice talking Bullet,,,,

    I've been trying for years to figure out if it's a continent, or a country . Does it have like states or provinces ?  All I know about Australia is what I saw in " Crocodile Dundee "  That is one of my fave movies.

    I'm just glad there are people here on this site from other countries. I've learned a lot about the people of Aus, and a little of the culture.


    Mycatsmom, i nearly missed your answer as there are two pages, first of all we have states, of which there are six and two territories, Crocodile Dundee i'm afraid is absolute BS, good entertainment thou, Australia is a Continent of an ISland Country of one nation, as Tommy said there are no passport borders and English is the primary language. The island state of Tasmania is part of Australia, my wife always thinks it's another country. If you can, Google -, you may enjoy it. :)

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