    Well my dears, I am going to take a break from AKA...

    Starting Monday I am going ot be working on myself physically.. And a big part of that is turning off the TV and Computer. When I feel the urge to hop online or on the couch I am going for a walk. When I feel the urge for a smoke, I am drinking water. Wish me luck. When I get into a good routine I will be back. Lots Of Love to my AKA buddies.

    +20  Views: 1199 Answers: 29 Posted: 12 years ago

    We'll miss you, but I wish you luck. I'm addicted to this spot the point that I've let important jobs go . It's like a drug.

    and we love you :-)

    29 Answers

    Good luck Jenn. We'll be thinking about you and hoping for the best. It'll be tough going for a while, but if you can conquer the smoking you are going to feel so much better - I know this from experience. Hang tough girl!

    Thanks 6dogs. I will be back... I just need to jump start this lifestyle change. I am going to quit smoking.. It means so much to my dad.. I hate that I have waited this long.
    good luck,sweetie, ill be praying for you! and dont forget it takes 3 days for nicotine to be gone from your body. after tht its all psychological. been 13 yrs. since my last cig.

    Thank you carmax. I can always use the prayers and I appriciate them very much.

    your welcome sweetie
    I find it a little ironic that you would choose to take a break from this site at the same time Colleen has stepped down from being a moderator. I know friends should have each others backs and good for you. But, if this is part of the reason why you are leaving, I do hope you both will reconsider.

    Nope... I was outside smoking and tooked at my reflaction in the back door, and for the first time in 10 yrs I did not like what I saw. Not to mention my dad is dying of lung cancer and want to kick the habit before he goes.

    CB, I'm just as surprised at this as you are. Jenn and I really do not have a chance to talk outside of the forum. I do offer for her to call me but her life is so busy, she just doesn't have the time. I know about as much of her world as everyone here does. I know right now her time is divided between her family and her dad and things are just really stressful. I gave her my number in hopes I could be her sounding board but like I said, she really has no time to call. Stress is keeping her smoking so she has to find a way to de-stress. I hope getting back to herself works. I know I smoke more when I'm on line and in this site. It just comes with the habit. Being social for some reason makes a smoker need to smoke more.

    me too. I'm sorry for being a jerk, Colleen

    Thank you mcm.

    Aww.. I made a love fest...Yay me! xoxoxox to you girls!
    country bumpkin

    Jenn: I just want to reach out and pinch your chubby little cheeks right now. Ok, not really. For those of us whom have had our cheeks pinched as children-we don't like it! It is almost as bad as having your own mom rub dirt off your face with her finger covered in her own spit!

    Hahahaha. Awesome!!!!! I dont have chubby cheeks yet.. That is why I am going to start getting busy working my butt off (literally(// loves!
    Good Luck Jenn keep positive the nicotine should be out of your body approx 36 hrs the rest is habit try and do things that you dont normally do walking is good and drink loads of water it kills the crave for a cigarette good luck and we are all going to miss you really hope you will be back on this site soon your health comes first always remember that love Mel xxx

    LOL I may have to send the kids to my MIL house... I would hate to rip off their pretty little heads. No really, my kids are super supportive... Dara my 11 ye old we love walking with me.. And Mt 15 yr old boy is going to do p90x with me... They are great.

    really pleased to here that remember P M A and dont for get to breath lol
    I'll miss you. Take good care of yourself and please don't forget about your friends here. xoxo CB

    I wouldnt, I couldnt forget about you.... You guys have been just what I needed when i needed you. In a couple to a few weeks I will be dropping in to make sure you alre all still playing nice.. LOL Love ya.
    I wish you the best of luck in everything that you do. xoxo
    I congratulate you on having the strength to have some "ME" time and I wish you all the best in you endeavour to beat the habit and reinvent yourself.

    There are a few on here that, if I see they have commented on a question I always look to see,even if I have no interest in the original question, what they have to say. You are one of them, may the bluebird of happiness sit (SIT NOT SH--) close to your heart and serenade you with songs of love and peace. Your Aussie mate PL.

    Aww Lovebug, what a complament... Thank you... And the bluebirds are all lined up on the window sill ready to cheer me on.. Love ya!

    I thank you for your reply and if I was religious I would say God bless but as I am not my thoughts will turn to you from time to time and my hope will be you are "travelling safe" on the journey that is life.
    At least you have some sense. All the rest of us sit here like robots searching through a lot of daft question and hope that one will make us All the best to you Jen

    The best is all I will accept.. Just look at who my friends are. :)
    All the best,bye for now.

    TY Python!
    You can do it! See you when you come back.
    Good plan, We are here when you need

    You have all been here for me since my very first question.. Ans I love you all for it!
    Jenn! akaqa is good therapy. could you come in for half an hour a day and then LEAVE. at this time you might need us.
    I'm probably saying the wrong thing - not what you need to hear BUT you are so much a part of this site I just don't like your leaving.
    I chew Nicorette gum and have for about 20 years. It's expensive. I go catatonic without nicotine. I could never beat it -- but many can. smoking cigarettes is not ok.
    ok, girl ... see you when you return or we'll think of you if you don't return. <boo hoo>

    AKA is great therapy, But terrible for my epilepsy and waist line. My hubby suggested the same thing, to come less... But right now I think it is best to jump start my changes.. Then I can reward myself with a lil AKA time. See you soon.

    <3 soon . . .
    We all love Jenn! Take good care,wish you the best,and your father
    & family,our prayer and though are with you.Remember we love you just the way you are.[[hug kiss]]

    Aww sweetness! I love the praters kisses and hugs... I will be back to get some real soon.

    will be all waiting, nothing but best for you Jenn.
    They say save the best for last.You just might be sweeter.Ymmm.[hug].
    Jenn, I'm really going to miss you. You were probably my FIRST friend on this site. I know you have important things that you need to take care of and I wish you ALL the luck for what you need to do. You and your family are in my prayers, I love you Jenn, as ALL the other members on this site love you. Like facebook said we love you just the way you are, HUGS& KISSES. Come back to us soon.

    Aww Spacey, I adore you! I will be back soon. PLease do keep us in your prayers. You are a wonderful frind. XOXOXOX right back at you.
    Good luck Jenn - see you soon!

    Jenn, you take care of yourself girl. You have a lot of people in your real life dependent on you. I will miss seeing you around but I know you have to get back to you and you can't do that by spreading yourself between your husband, kids, parents and all the people here. For your health and welfare we can give up our time with you so you can use that time to better yourself and be the person you want to be. Come back when you're ready and know the love of a lot of people here will be with you. Take care my friend. (((hugs)))
    country bumpkin

    I know all about the smoking habit.I quit smoking about 3@1/2 years ago. But when I visit a friend of mine a couple times a year, I like to see how many of her cigs I can smoke in a weekend. Since I have divorced I've let myself go. I've been divorced for 10 years and have not been on a date(read between the lines-lol) in almost 4 years. If I were Jenn, I would do the same thing too.

    I will take care baby doll. I will be back.. I just need to get motivated.. You allare family. Even my hubby told me that I need to check in with you guys at least once a day. He knows wow wonderfully most of you treat me. THANK YOU for being you.
    We'll miss you for sure. But, good luck with things. Hope it works out for you...and you make it back soon.
    Good for you, Jenn. It takes guts to do something like that, good luck, hope you come back too after you do your thing.

    Will do... It is the guts I need to get rid of.... LOL
    Jenn, {{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}} I will miss you. In fact you are the # 1 reason I still come here. I just love your style and attitude that I see in all your posts here. I find it hard to find the right words , but I will miss you. Best of luck to you and all that you love.

    {HUGS} right back at you Banks! Dont count me out.. I will be back soon.. a month tops... Keep checking in and dont give up on us.. LOL
    jenn three days is much to long to be without you , can you cut it short?

    Baby I am going to gone for about three or four weeks.. but you will survive with about my sugar for that long.... I promise!
    Sorry to hear that you're leaving us for awhile but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Good luck getting rid of the smoking habit.
    Hmmm, so YOUR the one that won the 10 Mil lottery and going on a world cruise. See ya again.

    I wish!!!! Nope I am broke and cant afford these cancer sticks... But I would still quit if I did win the lotto... But Idont play so I guess my chances are slim.
    ed shank

    Good luck.
    Bye-Bye for awhile..
    Good Luck Jenn, wish I could do the same, but for me internet is a drug. I need two fixes a day, to start off, I need coffee, followed by internet. House work gets done when I get time.
    Good Luck Jenn. I hope you can quit smoking like you want to. I have quit 4 times already this year. I have Tuesday scheduled for my next stop date. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you too. Please take care. I hope to be talking to you again soon. I like you.


    Yvonne!if you'd trying to quit smoking,read my ans on site about,"What good is power if you have no control"
    What's up, Jenn!!! Are you leaving me?? And Colleen isn't a moderator anymore?? What's going on?

    Just bad timing on my part. But I dont have alot of time to quit smoking. I will be back when I am smoke free and get off my butt to be more active.. We have a complete gym that I never use. I need to prioritized a little better.
    take your time ,enjoy, your heart and lungs will love you for doing it.

    zorro, sorry about messing around with your Karma. I voted you up, then down, then up again which is what I was doing in the first place.


    No wonder my day was a little strange. Enjoy the weekend. That isn't anything.
    The site won't be the same without you Jenn, your the best, really! I hope you get your ducks in a row sooner than later so we all will have you around! You will be greatly missed here and thanks for thinking about me when I was MIA, I was away from the internet for a few days in a nice place near the beach.

    Hope to see you soon and I'll keep you in my prayers definitely.

    best of luck to you!!! sounds like a very good and healthy plan. we all look forward to your return to aka. your wisdom will be missed......good luck again!!

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