    Am I really that dumb?

    I read some of the questions here & think "What the bloody hell is that all about".I have no idea what they are talking about.The questions appear to be concerned with such specialized fields I wonder why they are asking them on this forum.I have given up reading the religious questions.I don't know why they have to debate it so fiercely.if that's what they believe then so be it.Thereis no need to beat everybody over the head with it.It seems to me for every answered question there are 10 unanswered.Is every body out there as dumb as me?

    +14  Views: 1018 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Mate you as dumb as they come.

    I know because I am as dumb as shit because I can`t understand half the gobblygook either.

    The US members talk in shorthand and abbreviate everything something shocking.

    As far as the holy rollers are concerned I agree if that is what they believe bully for them.
    Many can`t give a straight answer without quoting from a unsubstantiated manual, this to me means they are not sure but try to bamboozle us.

    Glad someone is in my corner,Thanks PL

    PL, Well said and well substantiated by the magical disappearance of religious followers whenever a simple question relating to dubious passages of religious scripture is raised. Miraculous, indeed !

    Thanks digger, I have to ask wher did you get the "digger" from as you no doubt know Australian soldiers are know as "diggers" from their having to build trenches in WW1 and so were diggers.
    As far as technical questions are concerned, many of them don't get answered because a lot of people on this site are not tech wizards. It doesn't make them or you dumb. It's just not their area of expertise. As for religious questions, maybe that topic doesn't interest you as much as some other people here. Most of them don't interest me either. It has nothing to do with being dumb.
    ed shank

    I would call this site something like a family forum. Things that all of us deal with at one time or the other. Love hearing how others deal with BS, or serious matters. Opened my eyes a few times.
    Nope your not dumb...your just not familiar with the 'specialised fields'....not everyone knows about everything.
    rule no 1 in the art of being dumb "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the general public."rule no2 remember Forrest Gump even the smart guys didn't get it.
    None of are dumb... Occasionally clueless.. But never dumb... I use texting shorthand occasionally.... My biggest offenders are PPL (people), and LOL (laugh out loud).. Sorry it never dawned on me that it irritated ppl.. LOL (Sorry again I couldnt help myself).

    I does'nt.That is not the context of my question.
    I guess what I was trying to say was I am happy to answer any question I am capable of but my (formal) education does'nt cover a lot of these technical questions.I mean some of these guys sound like rocket scientists or something.Expect to see them on the next episode of the "Big Bang Theory".
    country bumpkin

    I know what you mean. If I were to audition for the Big Bang Theory, I would qualify for the role of the girlfriend. Poindexter I am not!
    But telling yourself your dumb is a good's what motivates a person to learning...

    I don't want to learn some of that stuff.I'm way past my learning curve.:)

    That's not can teach yourself anything you want at anytime...Sure your not going to get a certificate, but still it's fun to learn...whatever it is.
    Ya Tommy I dont get into any tech talk.. I would have more luck trying to talk to a fish. But the tech questions are all I see lately.. Makes me fell a little useless. But you and I are rock stars in our own right.
    Your only as dumb as you want to be.That doesn't speak for the rest of us.
    And if you want to call yourself dumb than so be dumb.
    im smart enough not to live in canada thats about all i can say for my self

    OOPS! I think you have offended someone.

    I have no idea why you would not want to live in Canada (capital "C")but you must have your reasons but I personaly take offence at your comment that you are "smart enough not to live in Canada" Don`t ask me why but it annoys me that you make a derogatry remark about a country on here with no reason shown.

    I live in Australia so if I said "I am smart enough not to live in the USA" what would be your reaction?

    Maybe he thinks I'm Canadian.:)

    lighten up just jabbing at schubee to see if hes awake all in fun
    the only dumb question is the one thats asked?

    Who said anything about "Dumb Questions"? I never even hinted that the questions were dumb.Only my own inability to understand them.So why is everyone looking for a fight? :)

    i dont think its you there's some real beauties out their! no one here is looking for a fight .

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