    Do you think we should we take the risk of alien invasion seriously?

    +9  Views: 1834 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: space

    19 Answers

    The American firefighters handbook has a written plan in place in case of an alien encounter or emergency. It's funny how the government can hide and deny that UFO's exist, yet they write a plan in case they show up.

    It's not that i don't believe they exist...i do but 'invasion' and 'taking over' is just not ....

    I don't know either way, it seems extremely unlikely almost impossible. Yet the governments of the world now much more than the average person.

    I think someday in the distant future they will show up in much higher number so that's when I would take it much more seriously. The odds are that life does exist on many planets in the universe.

    There are alien cultures out there that probably would want to take us over but there are also there good ones who would prevent that from happening. They have a checks and balance system in place already that keeps the universe safe that mankind hasn't even begun dreaming about yet. We are still toddlers squabbling in the playground compared to them.
    Headless Man

    LOL, no way......

    Way. At least with the size and diversity of the universe the probability is extremely probable.
    Invasion? well I don't know.They might come one day but does it necessesarily have to be an invasion? This planet is small & insignificant compared to the rest of the universe so why would they choose it to invade? Don't get your ray guns & laser swords out yet Eggy.I think it'll be a while yet anyway.

    Two scientist have just published a book on the subject.
    no not really they are already here why worry about it not like we can do anything about it
    Why do we think alien are more intelligent than we,could be we are the one superior to them, and that's why they shy away from us.Have you not heard
    greater is HE that is in you,than HE that is in the world.

    We are the youngest planet in the solar system. We do not have the ability for space travel yet, they do. They've been visiting this planet since the times we were still living caves or in grass and mud huts and riding beast of burden for our transportation. Their intelligence was so much greater than early man's that early man worshiped them as Gods. Some still do. Pretty good proof that they are the superior ones. HE created even the aliens. No one is saying the aliens are more intelligent than HE. They are however more intelligent than us. They stay hidden because they learned from their past mistakes of showing themselves to man only to have man respond and make them Gods. They've had to wait for humankind to advance in logical and rational reasoning and intelligence. The time is about right for them to show themselves again. This time we will not view them as Gods.

    TK. Colleen for your response,I really think were the advance one in spiritual matter,they aliens are ahead in
    technology but that could be very thin line.
    As you know material things are unrelevant in this contaminate world of ours.LU.
    You have got to be kidding...the alien invasion here in Chicago is absolutely ridiculous...I feel as if though I am now living in a foreign country! Call me prejudiced, I don't care

    You should come to Australia. In Sydney, we can now play spot the Anglo. Anglos are moving from the State of New South Wales at a very fast pace. Where I live is 60km North of Sydney. There are almost no muslims or Asians. I suppose it's only a matter of time.
    we do in australia they come by boat every week, oh its you eggie, you are referring to ET.'s

    Sure am. But we could ask them to take the boat aliens away I guess.
    First off, I don't think they would invade to kill us off - we're already doing a great job of that ourselves. Just look at the news, people out there are insane!

    Secondly, most people have enough brains to say "your gonna make me a what! A slave......right, in your dreams buddy". The rest of the world won't know any different from what they have now.

    So what's to worry about here? Let 'em come, I'm not too concerned.
    I wouldn't loose sleep about an alien invasion. In one word - No.
    yes alien imigrants the system ready to burst.
    They don't send enough ships over here to invade the whole country or planet all at once.They might be a welcome relief compared to our congressmen and other politicians and lawyers .
    From Mexico

    True. How's the head?
    my savior said he takes care of the birds and loves us much more than them.we have plenty to worry about today without concerns of the future
    take me to your leader!!
    'Alien invasion' ...Funny..seems like something off 'Ben 10' Cartoon... :)
    yeah, they are here. They come from south of the boarder, and the middle east.
    After seeing the movie Battle L.A. you betcha
    Seriously, NO.

    Hey Sniper I don't think our weapons would save us from invaders from outer-space. They most likely have better weapons.

    hi eggplant dont have to take alien invation that sersly why dont make a fort and buy an m60 and a abrams tank and gurd the citysins from alien invation bye from sniper 1237


    Cool beans, Sniper just saved all of humanity from an alien invasion. :)

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