    colleen? thank you for your lack of support? i needed extra help as this is new to me?

    -2  Views: 742 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    You're welcome :)

    You have posted 23 homework assignment questions looking for people to do your homework for you. If you need extra help, hire a tutor or see your teacher for extra help in understanding what you are suppose to be learning. It's no wonder you don't know what you're doing if you go around asking others to do your assignments for you. WE DO NOT do homework here.
    Colleen's right, she is very helpful and fair. She is the last person you should be rude to. As for my advice it would be, if you don't take the time to learn it yourself, you will pay for it later in life.

    When you go to get a job your grades will be taken into consideration, as well as your lack of knowledge will show in what ever field you decide to enter.

    Thanks Leeroy. I appreciate the back up. He was monopolizing 6dogs time and even called her out to do another assignment. I decided enough was enough ;)

    I got your back.
    colleens on break right now, whats the problem?

    You Cweep me Out :O
    How do you know she's on break?

    lucky guess!

    Okay...i'll just pretend i believe you...

    why would i lie?

    I was joking :O


    I was sleeping. I do that sometimes. ;) lol

    daren is funny. LOL

    Daren is a goof ball.. I think I will keep him.

    thanks jenn.. thought you said i was a golf ball
    Colleen, won't give you a job when you grow up and leave school. Just you wait and see.
    evidently none
    Colleen, I noticed that khall hasn't answered any questions either. How in the world did you know he was asking his homework problems? Do you have ESP?


    My intuition runs over time on this forum, lol Besides, just take a look at the rest of his questions. You can tell they come from a study sheet or page.
    what help do you need?
    mabye he has some type of learning disability ,and he's not bad enough for him to get help. Kids like that fall between the cracks, sadly .

    I could believe that of he/she didn't post all 23 questions of their homework assignment. They did not ask for help, they asked for the answers. Everyone can get help if they ask their teacher.
    Well, at least he's TRYING !! He's better than those kids that don't do any homework at all. If they don't get the subject, they just throw up their hands in resignation. But yes, he should ask his teacher for a referral .

    At the very least... Where are his parents??? I blame the parents .. I always blame the parents... LOL

    maybe he has only one parent, and maybe she works the 2nd shift :-(

    He wasn't trying. He just posted out the questions and asked for the answers.
    be nice everyone :(
    don't gang up on one person.
    what you guys say on this may affect him/her tremendously..

    We deal with kids wanting us to do their homework for them on a daily basis. We know the difference. Posting 23 homework assignments and asking strangers to do your homework for you is wrong and one should feel bad for that. It's called cheating.

    i understand that these kinds of situations may get annoying at times but please be considerate of everyone. this is a question and answer site, right?
    if it is really bothersome, just don't answer his/her questions instead of stigmatizing him/her.
    i'm just trying to be fair.

    although i must add.. stating your name on such a large statement wasn't such a good move on khall's part..

    You've been here for less than a week. Come back and see me when you've been here a month and have seen this daily with kids getting pissed off because we will not do their homework assignments for them. He was not asking for help, he just wanted the answers. All he did was post the questions, never saying he needed help understanding the assignment. We do not do homework for kids. I was not the only one to tell him this. He chose to single me out. We are a question/answer site. Not an easy freebie site that does homework for kids. Have you looked at all 23 questions he wanted us to answer for him? He needs a tutor, not people to just give him the answers. All I ever did was tell him we would not do his homework for him. That's it. He responded with this thread. I was not out of line and I did nothing to hurt his ego except to say we would not do his homework for him. Now you can post here for him that you are willing to be his tutor or you can answer all 23 of his questions. They all remain waiting for someone to answer them for him. Have at it :)

    clearly your ego has been hurt.

    Clearly you still had no idea what you were talking about, step in. What does ego have to do with keeping a kid from cheating?

    ""Read my lips! No homework! No homework!

    00oops I just spilled out a top secret Hector....NoOO Colleen is going to cut back ice cream on me now :O ....I should not have said Colleen takes breaks!!! It was supposed to be a secret :( Now Hectors going to do mischievous things while she's at it..

    *Putting ice cream back in bag so it can be returned to the store*

    NOOOO Pweeasssseee :O Colleen!! Don't take my pweacious away 'hic...hic...hic..
    I'm begging you :(

    don't torture me :O :O :o :o :o :0 :0 :o :o ..."Alert: Dh is running out of oxygen..."

    I'm in tears laughing so kill me dh, lol Here's your precious back. Now stop sniveling, lol

    What's his '' precious '' .....his dog or something ?

    His ice cream.

    I'm a rebel. I laugh at authority. :)

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