    Ever tell your boss off? Did you get fired?

    +9  Views: 1364 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    22 Answers

    Sure did. Sure How about you?
    I have to say I have nearly always been the boss.I have been told off more times than I care to remember.Some were right & some were very wrong.What I mean is,when they stuff it up they really stuff it up & usually quit anyway.I was never big on sacking people just because they had their say.fact is I needed them just as much as they needed me.Nothing is worse than an employee sulking because he has something on his mind.I would always rather they get it off their chest.So there you have it from the other side of the fence!
    ed shank

    Most of my positions were in a supervisory capacity as well. I've never been thin skinned, and can take opinions/criticism. At times it was well deserved.
    Yes I did. He deliberately missed pronounced my last name wrong to clients. It sounds terrible. His last name was Antis, after me going into a tirate, I threatened to refer to him as Mr. Ant piss from then on. He suddenly pronounced my name correctly. No, I did not lose my job.


    What did he call you? (LOL)

    Unfortunately you have one of those names Ed.(LOL)
    ed shank

    If pronounced wrong it's actually obscene.
    Yes I have, because he was wrong and he admitted it. I did it a nice way, I didn't curse AT him, but a had a few choice words though. He told me even though we had a disagreement that time, he would never want me to quit. I guess I'm a good employee. Never been fired, so far.
    ed shank

    Sounds like he wasn't on a power trip. Humility on your bosses end. A rare quality.

    It is rare, he's a very good person and good boss.
    yes! "was sacked for smiling too much", I'am not working for those funeral parlours again.

    LOL, cute.

    Hahahaha!!! I nearly died laughing.

    alot of real stifs in that field

    Yep, numerous times but was never fired.
    Got in a screaming match with my section chief in the army once. Was told I'd be demoted one rank through company punishment (article 16). I refused and demanded a court martial, in which I pleaded my case, and was fined $20.00.
    Ya a a few times, but I had grounds to stand on that's why I still have a job.
    Yes I told off an obnoxious supervisor. No, I did not get fired because, first of all, no one else was around and secondly, he did not have the power to do so.

    I hope this was recently and you're starting to take control of the work issues you've had to deal with for so long.
    Ms Sinclair

    No, that was a long time ago. Unfortunately there's no shortage of idiot supervisors where I work.
    ed shank

    My last day at a real job was not planned. I told my boss, I don't feel like working anymore and I'm leaving. He replied, are you giving notice? I said NO, I,m leaving now. Emptied my desk and haven't had a 9 to 5 since. A smart move as far as I'm concerned. Life is so much mellower now.
    yes i did once..i'd rather think of it as job fowarding rather than being fired.
    Yes...I guess I've did it a couple times over the years. Flip, your story reminded me of when I was in the Navy. I had this one young Petty Officer who just loved to act like a jerk, and we got into a screaming match that lead to a fist fight. I ended up with a few scrapes, but I blackened both of his eyes. Luckily, our superiors were kind of expecting him to end up in that situation someday. As he tried to tell a Chief he got the best of me, and the Chief looked him in the face and said, "Well, it looks like he knocked the crap out of you!" It's funny today, but the trouble I could have got myself into, made me nervous for a few days. After that incident we got along fine, and even use to sit and talk at times.

    Yes, I know the nervous feeling not knowing how it would turn out. I was very rebellious back then and probably should have gotten into more trouble numerous times. Hated army life, but I sure grew up, and now feel its the best thing I ever did.

    I feel the same way. It taught me a lot about responsibility, and so many different things. Back then you could join at 17, and for me, it was something I am thankful for having known today. Practically every day, I use something that I learned from that they teach you so much.

    And it was nice to have sailed with the Australian and Canadian Navies during NATO excercises...and all our allies through NATO.
    I am with Tommy on this one most of my working life I was in some sort of authority but most times I could discuss problems.
    My main strategy was to cover all the bases so problems did not arise too often. Never asked anyone to do anything I could not do.

    Best way I found to dismiss someone was " We had you in line for a raise in pay but unfortuneately you don`t work here anymore." Joke.
    No, I have been fortunate to have some really good bosses. There is nothing worse than having to go to work everyday and work for someone that's hard to get along with.
    I've never been fired and one time I did tell my boss off and got a raise because of it, lol. He said he liked my fire. ;)
    ed shank

    Your fire was probably more like a chemical fire. The raise was "Hush" money no doubt.

    LOL, I think I scared him a little ;D
    ed shank

    You think!

    Hehehe, he loved me for it. I was his favorite employee after that ;)

    I never told my boss off,but he told me off,and i got fired.

    ed shank

    Some people just don't have a sense of humor.
    I did quite a few times, the problem was that I had much more experience in the industry than every boss I've ever worked for and they knew it, some of them just didn't like me telling it like it is.

    It's an ego thing possibly on both sides, but I have been a leader in my field for at least twenty years. Some take it as disrespect, I just mean it as the plain hard truth.

    So I had my own successful business for several years, that way I could tell myself off and not get mad.
    ed shank

    Same here, afraid you were going to outshine them.

    Yeah, it seems the younger the boss the more ego you have to battle.

    I once told my Boss and his assistant,how I felt one am. They wanted me to go to the Boss office, for discussion about mis understanding. Two againse one, no way. Said i would go, only if i had union rep.It was my right, they could do nothing, my shift ended, as I was on nights,, I just left building, and started two week holiday. Didnot get fired, heard no more about it. Some Bosses think they can bully their staff.!
    ed shank

    Good for you. I'm not a union lover but they do protect in certain matters.

    Thanks, ed shank, Think they are on mangement side some times, but staff need them.
    ed shank

    Very true.
    I called my boss and told her I was leaving, then called the local radio station and they dedicated this song to her... "Take this job and shove it."
    ed shank

    Great, I love it.
    I knew the end was coming so I told my boss off very loudly and made sure the entire office heard what I said. Like I said I knew the end was coming and I had two weeks to harass and berate her, and give her dirty looks. She didn't even come to my "going away" party. I really hated her and still do to this day. I would like to punch her face. Or pinch her right around her muffin top, or kick her shin, something like that. I've never disliked anyone as much as I dislike her.

    ed shank

    Keep looking in the obituaries, it might be party time.

    I'll be there with bells on my toes. :)
    I did. She nearly fired me. My wife that is..(boss)
    The German to English translation was pretty tough to make out so I have made some improvements to better understand the response. I did fail German in high school though, I just had to go surfing instead of class, so this kind of qualifies me lol.

    We are not machines, and if he tells me something or demands to much from me, when he knows the situation. Also if he can't use any part of your opinion, sometimes not even his tone is nice as he talks to me. I will listen because your boss has the authority and I have to know what he can and can not do or what I can or can not do. I or we are slaves well as the people you defend, otherwise they give us only pills that make us quiet and make us mentally and physically broken
    wir sind keine maschinen, und wenn boss mir etwas abverlangt ihn einen ton wo er weiss das darf er nicht machen kannst jederzeit deine meinung sagen muss auch nicht ihn einen netten ton sein so wie du mir so ich dir weil dein boss hat meistens auch noch einen boss du musst nur wissen was darf er und was nicht was darf ich und was darf ich nicht sonst sind wir bald wie die sklaven leute wehrt euch so gut es geht sonst geben sie uns nur noch tabletten damit wir ruhig sind und machen uns seelisch und koerperlich kaputt
    ed shank

    Speak English please.
    wir sind keine maschinen, und wenn boss mir etwas abverlangt ihn einen ton wo er weiss das darf er nicht machen kannst jederzeit deine meinung sagen muss auch nicht ihn einen netten ton sein so wie du mir so ich dir weil dein boss hat meistens auch noch einen boss du musst nur wissen was darf er und was nicht was darf ich und was darf ich nicht sonst sind wir bald wie die sklaven leute wehrt euch so gut es geht sonst geben sie uns nur noch tabletten damit wir ruhig sind und machen uns seelisch und koerperlich kaputt

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