    I suffered a heart attack on the 20th of Jun in the LAD portion of the heart. I was discharged from the hospital last night with a list of 10,000 does and dont's. One of the dont's was not to take a bath. Taking a bath is usually what I like to do when not feeling well. So, why is it that I cannot take a bath.

    +1  Views: 509 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    It is a drowning danger if you happen to pass out or fall asleep... It can also riase your BP which it dangerous for heart patiant... Do as it says and hold off on the baths until your check up.. THe doctor will release you after you are no longer at risk.
    I think you might misunderstood or they gave you directions for someone who had surgery and can't take bath until it had time to heal.
    If you are recovering from open heart surgery:

    You can shower but not bathe. You should shower using a shower chair to remove the risk of falling while showering. You are still weak after the surgery and your incision is still healing. You are also probably on blood thinners to keep blood clots from forming while your body continues to heal. To bathe, you must step into the tub and then sit down, using your arms to lower yourself puts stress on your chest and incision area. This stress could cause your incision to break open. Even if you make that OK, now you are in a warn tub with warm water softening your skin and softening the incision. This weakens the bond of the skin that's been fused (sutured) together. Now when you go to push yourself up to get out of the tub, this again puts stress on your incision and you could cause it to break open. Being on blood thinners will make you bleed out fast. You could die before help arrived.

    Showering: Standing for a long time in the shower (even 10 minutes is long when you're not at full strength), you risk getting weak and passing out or getting weak and losing your balance and falling. The fall will injure you, you could get a cut or break your incision open and bleed out before help arrived. This is why I recommend a shower chair. There's limited risk of falling.

    no open heart surgery. They inserted a cathader through my groin area to clear blockage and install stent.

    Then I can only suggest what others have suggested already, ask your doctor Why?
    wish i knew why not check back with your doctor!
    It may raise your blood pressure.

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