    10 things to do before you die

    +3  Views: 534 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    I have no bucket list. I'll do whatever I do before I die. Life brings it's own adventures. I guess I just like to be surprised :)

    Better than being disappointed when things don't work out.

    Exactly :)
    Never had plans for anything I've ever done. Don't plan to change it either.
    jack sparrow

    Don't you have some wishes?

    Yes to move to Arizona and get out of this awful New England weather - as soon as possible if not tomorrow. But after that, it's all day by day for me.
    I can give you 5
    1.Get out of debt
    2.Meet my soul mate
    4.Find inner peace
    5.Give up cigarettes
    jack sparrow

    ehh man. it's a little better answer than previous two ;)

    @ Jack- I like mine :) No pressure to meet what could be unreasonable wants. Friendship with a shark? You might want to make him last on your list in case he eats you.
    jack sparrow

    dear colleen, get rid of stereotypes and show me your boobs.. pardon moi, I wanted to say that let's dreaming of something! ;) it's fun!

    Keep dreaming because that's the only way you'll see my boobs.
    jack sparrow

    what a pity! ;(
    1) Travel in a tiny boat in the middle of the ocean
    2) Taste every ice cream in the world
    3) Climb Mount Everest
    4) Try the highest roller coaster in the world
    5) Visit the fairy land in Ireland
    6) Say 'hello' to Stephen Hawkings
    7) Plan the biggest prank on friends
    8) Invite friends and family for an all you can eat ice cream and cake day
    9) Sleep for a week with nothing in my mind
    10) Run like crazy in the beach
    jack sparrow

    haha! great!
    here is mine, unfinished:
    1. get a cab and shout to driver "follow that car!!"
    2. get drunk with someone famous
    3. leaving after earthquake and tell about it to my grandchildren
    4. have a friendship with a shark
    5. dance in a woman dress on the bar table
    6. arrange a tantrum in the supermarket for no reason

    Celebrate my 100th birthday as clear minded as I am now. S--t did I just say as clear minded as I am now, bloody hell.

    I have lead a interesting life, seen lots ( including the inside of a police cell)been terrified for my life and that of my mates. Loved some wonderful women. Fathered beautiful children and in turn received grand and great grand children. Flown a plane and a glider. Drove speed boats and stock cars, Flown in a hot air balloon.
    Hunted ferral pigs,goats and rabbits.

    What else could I do? Time comes I am ready.

    You forgot the dogs PL, the love of a good dog(s)

    I am ashamed of myself 6dogs for forgetting the glorious dogs that have and still do love me.
    I was told once when your dogs dies it goes to "The Golden Shore" which is a stretch of golden sand alongside a beautiful blue ocean where they are well again, no aches or pains. When you die you go there and all the dogs you have ever loved are waiting and you spend eternity playing on the beach. Now that is my idea of heaven.
    Say your will
    have me cremated
    trow away everything about me
    my slipper & underwear
    say good bye to all my friend if any
    say a prayer for all the bad I've done
    also forgive me for all the pain I cause you
    hire someone to do the chore around the house
    and kiss me hug for will meet again,in heaven or else
    and when you get dust in your eye,wont you think of me.

    Pretty good poem Umbriel TK.

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