    What did you do this weekend?

    The family and I when camping, still alot of snow in the high county,but had a great time.

    +1  Views: 482 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Ate a lot, drank a lot, fought with neighbor, continued drinking.

    sound a lot like my neighborhood , without the sound of gunfire an sirens..

    Sounds like one of my nieghbors too. Are we sure we dont all live in GA?
    ed shank

    Was vacuuming my car and neighbors dog got inside and pissed on my seat. Neighbor laughed, dog will lose tail tomorrow.

    LOL..ed, still drinking?
    ed shank

    Nope, it's nap time shortly.

    ed shank

    Hard to soar like an Eagle, when your hanging out with Turkeys.
    We breed golden retrievers and we had a litter a year ago and the people organized a one year birthday party so we all met at a lake and the dogs had fun it turned out good, the dogs had cake yum.

    Sounds like you had a great day.

    At first I thought it was a stupid outing, I went cause wife wanted to go but it turned out fun, dogs swam in the lake and even wore party hats and had cake.
    That sounds like so much fun,cootr. I studied for a test coming up this Tuesdy. I stayed up to late and did not go to church today. Feeling really guilty because it is the first day of vbs. As you can tell, I've had a rather boring weekend.

    What VBS are you doing this year.
    country bumpkin

    Jenn: The theme is: "Believe it or Not...It's in the Bible" I've only been a chrisian for 2 years so this will be the first time I've ever been to VBS. We did not have one last year because we had no preacher when I started attending the church and everything had kinda went down hill but now things are looking up.
    Wnet to see dad and mom... Pulled corn, shcked corn, silked corn, creamed corn, blanched corn frozen corn 48 quart sized bags. Picked okra, and squash. Out to the in laws tomorrow for mre gardening. We had a wonderful visit with dad. He was doing so much better than last weekend. But I think it was all for show.

    dwayne loves him some creamed corn my father inlaw delivers it bags ready for the freezer

    I am going to be sore for a week! Enjoy the mess out of that corn.. it is hard work!
    went to church..
    trimmed trees ,worked on spreader,cut grass, played mexican dominos and rook,the girls cheated and won .
    Tried to dump some of my 260 VOTE UP, TU's on here.

    And I didnt get any???? Booo Hooo (sob) hoo. LOL

    I probably didn't read your responses this time. Have I never given you a TU? Here, I'll give you one for your answer on this question :)
    Grilled out and partied with my neighbors around the campfire on Friday night, worked 9 to 5 and watched a baseball game on Saturday, went to church in the morning today, took my queen and princesses to swimming pool, dinner out, and watching Indian's game right now.

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