    how can I find out about a "History of Indiana" book that was written in 1876 showing how they drawedfdawed up the counties and named the counties and all kinds of statics for the era?

    0  Views: 167 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Or go to the library.
    Since your question is too ambiguous, how about history of Indiana in the 1900's? Like understanding the Hoosier Culture.......


    ? You think the state Bird is Larry.

    ? You can say 'French Lick' without laughing out loud.

    ? There's actually a college near you named ' Ball State .

    ? You know Batesville is the casket-making capital of the world and you're proud of it.

    ? You could never figure out spring forward-fall back, so still think you should just ignore Daylight Savings Time!

    ? You know several people who have hit a deer.

    ? Down south to you means Kentucky .

    ? You have no problem spelling or pronouncing Terre Haute ? Your school classes were canceled because of cold. Your school classes were canceled because of heat.

    ? You know what the phrase 'knee-high by the Fourth of July' means.

    ? You've heard of Euchre, you know how to play Euchre, and you are a master of Euchre.

    ? You've seen a running car, with nobody in it, in the parking lot of the grocery store, no matter what time of year it is.

    ? Detasseling was your first job. Baling hay, your second.

    ? Or you could stack hay, swim in the pond to get clean and then have the strength to play a couple of games of hoops, all in the same barn lot on the same day.

    ? You say things like catty corner and know what it means.

    ? You install security lights on your house and garage, and then leave them both unlocked.

    ? You carry jumper cables in your car regularly.

    ? You drink pop.

    ? You catch frogs at the crick.

    ? If you want someone to hear you, you holler at 'em.

    ? You know that baling wire was the predecessor to duct tape.

    ? You know that strangers are the only ones who come to your front door.

    ? Kids and dogs ride in the passenger seats of cars and the backs of pickups.

    ? You think nothing of driving on the roads and being stuck behind a farm implement in spring and fall. You just hope it's not a hog truck or a manure spreader.

    ? High school basketball games draw bigger crowds on the weekend than movie theaters, IF you have a movie theater.

    ? Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.

    ? The local paper covers national and international headlines on one page but requires six for local sports.

    ? You can repeat the scores of the last eight NBA games, but unless the MVP is a Hoosier, you are not sure who he is.

    ? You can see at least two basketball hoops from your yard.

    ? You can name Bobby Knight's exploits over the last few years.

    ? The biggest question of your youth was IU or Purdue.

    ? Indianapolis is the BIG CITY.

    ? Getting stuck by a train is a legitimate excuse for being late to school or work.

    ? Everyone knows who the town cops are, where they live, and whether they're at home or on duty.

    ? You've been to the Covered Bridge Festival. And you took back roads to get there.

    ? To you, tenderloin is not an expensive cut of beef, but a big, salty, breaded, & fried piece of pork served on a bun with a pickle.

    ? You end your sentences with prepositions, as in 'Where's it at?' or 'Where's he going to?'

    What the hell does "drawedfdawed" mean? I can't even figure out what typo that could have come from...

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