    tell us about your favorite grade school teacher ?

    +4  Views: 971 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    10 Answers

    Mrs. Dodson (5th grade) was my only friend - I was new in school and the bully girl beat me up after school. (I faked the pain so she'd stop right away, but still). I always rememeber Mrs. Dodson because there's always more good than bad.
    My third grade teacher Mrs. Claffey would keep me in during recess so that she could spend more time with me on my times tables and division. My biggest enemy was math back then and she was determined that I would understand it before I left her grade. I did and I will always be thankful for her help.
    I've had a lot of really great teachers over the years, but the problem is that they are the exception, there are so many more crappy teachers than good ones.

    I don't think they understand that they can really make an impact on their students, I've had several pull me aside and have talks with me. The result was my grades went up and I tried harder. Wow, what a difference a good teacher can make in the lives of their students.

    My favorite grade school teacher, was my Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Bright, I had a crush on her, lol.
    Miss Shine, 5th grade. Her personality matched her name. She was a ray of sunshine for her students. Bright, happy, bubbly, fun, could "get down" with us on music day when we were allowed to bring in music we liked best. She would dance and sing along and get us all dancing and singing..what a blast. Best and most entertaining teacher ever! I loved her class and excelled in my studies because of it!
    NO! I want to tell you about my worst favorite, Mrs. Harriet Butler (commonly known as Hattie). Fifth grade (1952), she took joy in embarrassing me in front of my classmates. Then she switched to Jr. High then Sr. High, I couldn't get rid of her! My senior yearbook is filled with wishes written by fellow students hoping I'd never have to deal with her again. I know she is long gone, but I will hate her to my grave. Thanks for letting me vent! I feel better now.
    My elementary school Phys. Ed. teacher. He inspired me with his sense of humor, honesty and fairness.
    grade school was Sister Helen Louise, she was so nice, so pretty. She wore the traditional habit. Still remember out on recess and we're all standing around with her singing.
    Mrs. Hunter 7th grade. She had narcolepsy (Fall asleep in the middle of a sentence). I waited till she fell asleep and leave the class to do something productive like smoke a cigarette or get into fight. Nice lady, always gave me a good grade. My wife sat next to me and she gave me all the test answers.

    Never had one they were all a-holes.With the exception of Cec Bryce the football coach.he was a man's man.Big & tough but at least he wasn't a bully like most of them.

    Mrs. Tickle in the first grade because she was so pretty and so nice to me.  She had this blue dress with pleats and when she would turn around to face the class her dress would spin too. It reminds me of an umbrella after it has been opened.

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