    how do I get out of a parking ticket on a rental car

    OK, so I parked at a beach that signs stated you needed to be a local resident. I am from the next town over. Was using a rental car. I do have an address/name of someone in the correct district. Anything I can do?

    +1  Views: 658 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    You screwed up, suck it up and pay the ticket. What does a rental car have to do with where you parked? Did you expect to be exempt because you had a rental car?
    Pay the ticket. Even if you were to fight it, they would go by the address listed on your license. They could also check to see the license used to rent the car. I'm sure it won't be the friend who lives in the correct district.
    There is no easy way around in life, a lesson learned, take it.
    Answered to perfection, PAY UP AND SHUT UP. Do the crime do the time.
    Constructive answer: Don't park where it's going to cause you grief.
    @ danidef, You've just turned tail on your own story and now want to cry because we didn't just tell you to ignore the ticket? Tell the truthful story or don't bother wasting our time. Our advice based on your original story is very constructive. It's just not what you wanted to hear.
    Would you park in a disabled spot in a rental?
    Pay the fine & cop it sweet!
    Um, no I wouldn't park in a disabled spot. The rental car has nothing to do with it and I didn't even mean to mention it. I didn't park in an illegal spot. People get there parking tickets reduced all the time. All I'm asking is the best way to do it. I don't drive, as I live in NYC, so don't have a license plate. If you don't have a constructive answer, then don't respond.

    Dude, you've just turned tail on your own story and now want to cry because we didn't just tell you to ignore the ticket? Tell the truthful story or don't bother wasting our time.
    Parking ticket? get real. Pay up or take your tooth brush to the judge who should pop you in the can for a weekend to think about not paying.

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