    what will i get for christmas

    +3  Views: 562 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    oh lets enjoy the month that we are in its summer and it has been along winter most winter nights were -12/17 here lets enjoy summer first be fore we think that far a head
    If you are bad you will get a stocking full of dog poop.
    Just what you deserve.
    you have 6 months until christmas, wait until then to find out!
    Start making a wish list,and be a good boy,because santa is watching.
    I don't know kid. I'll have to get back to you after I've had a few. Hiccup. What's the hurry anyway? It's June. This is what Santa does in the off-season. You got a problem with that sonny? Hiccup.

    brilliant Ms sinclair x

    on a six-month binge...
    My family around me.
    same as last year a lump of coal..
    I've already written my list of demands. Santa is always cool with me. I get everything I want. I just don't ask for much. At my age I pretty much cleaned out his bag of goodies.

    what do you give to a man that has everything...

    give you time to enjoy the fruits of your labor...good enough!
    OK, kid, I've called, paged, e-mailed and even threatened his reindeer (Which really p*ssed those little guys off) an can't get no answer but, I tried to help you out being, I'm such a nice guy, now all I get is a piece of coal so take it from me "DON'T P*SS THEM OFF" so you might get something other than coal. P.S. Remember me on CHRISTMAS!!
    How old are you Owen?

    You can tell that's he's young, cuz his name is Owen

    Haaa, ha!
    Your two front teeth
    Same thing I got at your age. A hockey stick, a "Johnny Seven" toy machine gun, and a transistor pocket radio. Bet you can't wait, eh?
    Owen, is there a reason you are asking about this in June? Wanna share?
    Nuffin', unless you shape up. Jus' sayin'

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