    should elected officials be required to take drug tests before running for office?

    +9  Views: 819 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    Personally, LIE DETECTOR tests would be more valuable to the voters.

    19 Answers

    I believe it should be for anyone that works for the people not just elected, (any government agency).
    since they work for us,there should be screenings
    Good question. Yes they should. You may have hit on something here. That's why nothing is getting done to straighten this mess out. Their stoned. Ron Paul, although I like the guy, always seems drunk to me. He's always hanging on to the pedestal to hold himself up.
    Definitely, and also have a perfect credit rating, If they cant manage ther own finances how can they manage ours.
    I believe elected officials should be drug tested. why not?
    I agree, I think they should be drug tested rendomly, and they should be polygraphed at least once before election. Mandatory drug testing should be required at the time of a polygraph, so that they are not trying to beat the machine with drug use. Nowadays, I find myself cringing when I hear some of them address each other as The Honorable. It makes me think that someone should do a sequel to the movie, "Liar,Liar," and base it on politicians.
    drug test ,yes for sure,also check their activity on the know shit like mr.wonderfull weiner and the like................
    Well of course they should. They should also be randomly tested while holding a seat. They are making decisions that affect the people of this country. I'd rather not have them drugged up or high while making those decisions.

    Sure, why not....If I have to take a drug test before working at Walmart.........?


    You have to have a drug test before working at Walmart? That is a curious thing.

    I think a simple I.Q test should suffice..  :)


    that would definately eliminate Biden!

    There are honesty tests that are accurate enough for a court room. But then, I doubt congress would impose that on themselves under any circumstances. 

    I think they should be required to take a dose of Ex-lax every 4 hours washed down with a class of prune juice, so they are not so full of all that stuff they are slinging around!

    That's true.. give them a hair test. Who knows how many would lose their jobs. Also, people who are collect food stamps and welfare. How many of them do you think would pass? I see them in the stores using the food stamp program, and they can't even stand up on their own. I've even had them try to sell them to me outside the stores.

    sounds good to me and after they are elected!!

    That is an excellent question. Yes they schould and random testing while they are in office. Maybe thats the problem of not getting anything done.

    Yes I think they should it applies to most jobs now so why not!

    Only the ones that use them and the aclu would complain

    And what about the people who elect them???


    Like the crack heads who voted for ... well, I think I'll re-phrase this at a later date.

    I totally agree with Anns  Answer

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